Mislaid. Nell Zink
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Название: Mislaid

Автор: Nell Zink

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008157814


СКАЧАТЬ said. “What brings you to our neck of the woods?”

      “Let me get Mickey,” she said, turning back toward the car. “I didn’t know if you were home.”

      “Where’s Byrdie?”

      “School,” Peggy said. “What a great kid.”

      “He’s a little spoiled, but he’s a fine boy,” her father agreed.

      “How’s Lee?” her mother asked.

      “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Lee’s not—as a matter of fact Lee and I are not getting along. We separated.”

      “You’re not living with Lee?” Her mother drew back in dismay.

      “I’ve got my own place. Be honest, Mom. Lee Fleming! How long was that going to work?”

      Her father chortled.

      “Well, is he fine with it?”

      Peggy sighed. “Sure. He has a new girlfriend.”

      Her father guffawed.

      “Are you getting a divorce?” her mother asked.

      “Not so far.”

      “Do you have a lawyer?”

      “I’m not getting a divorce, so why would I need a lawyer?”

      “Lee’s out there right now, deceiving you with some two-bit hustler,” her mother said earnestly. “I don’t remember you signing any premarital agreement. He’s going to have to settle something on you. We’ll force him.”

      “You and what army? I’m telling you, I cut out of there with no forwarding address. If I go to a judge, Lee will get custody of Mickey, too, not just Byrdie. I couldn’t make Byrdie come along. He didn’t want to, not with a choice between me and the Playboy of the Western World. Now name me a judge Lee’s not related to. I wouldn’t touch a court of law with a ten-foot pole. Screw me over, fuck you. Screw me twice—”

      “Watch your language, young lady!” her father interrupted.

      “Anyhow, he’s broke. He won’t have a cent until his mom buys the farm, and that’s going to take forty years. If she dies first, his dad marries some deb and we never see a cent.”

      Peggy’s mother took Mickey by the hand and stood in the archway to the dining room, making as though to take her someplace else to play, but not wanting to miss anything. “Let’s play boats,” Mickey said.

      “I don’t have boats. I guess you don’t have boats anymore either, now that you don’t live on Stillwater Lake.”

      “Mommy made the lake fall down. Now we play boats in the yard.”

      “Where are you living, honey?”

      “We got a pyramid, and blue butterflies!”

      “Where do you live?” Peggy’s father said, addressing himself to Peggy.

      “Rented house,” Peggy said. “Nothing special.”


      “I’d rather not say. I don’t want Lee serving me with papers.”

      “I’m concerned about you, honey.”

      “I can make my own decisions.”

      Her father laughed. “I noticed! Do you have a phone, where we can call you?”

      “Not in the house. There’s a party line at a bait shop.”

      “You should get a phone for safety. Just list it under a fake name.”

      Peggy stopped off at her dad’s churchyard to let Mickey play. The church was one of the oldest in the country, nearly square, with gated pews shining pale green and the Ten Commandments in loopy gold script on alabaster tablets at the front. Austere, creaky, ancient. She picked up a bench and let it fall. The echo ricocheted off the walls and made Mickey jump. They walked around the outside, stroking the soft salmon brickwork with its tracery of lime and the dark pottery of the glazed headers. In the graveyard a solitary angel kept watch over a boxwood. Broken columns—the oldest graves. The next era, bas-relief willows and skulls. Then cast-iron crosses. Then the newest graves, granite monoliths. The names were always the same. Except for one. The cemetery had apparently been integrated. A cluster of mauve plastic roses poked up from the foot of a tiny mound. At the head was a temporary marker, a cross made of unfinished pine, already weathered, reading karen brown 1970–73.

      Peggy remembered the Browns. A nice black family who lived on the school property like her parents. Not neighbors exactly, but close by. And here they had lost a child like Mickey. A child who ought to be older than Mickey, but would always be younger. How sad. She looked at her daughter, and then she did something terrible. She drove to the courthouse, to the county registrar, whom she knew, and said, “Morning, Lester!”

      “Miss Peggy! How do you do?”

      “Fine, thanks. It’s beautiful out! My dad asked me to come down here. He’s doing Leon Brown’s back taxes and now the IRS says they need a birth certificate for their little daughter that died. Because of the deduction. He didn’t want to ask Leon for it.”

      “Ain’t that a shame.”

      “Her name was Karen.”

      He fired up the Xerox machine and dug around for his notary stamp, then pulled out a hanging file tabbed with a B.

      In the car on the way home, Peggy glanced at Mireille repeatedly and said, “Karen. Karen? Karen. Karen.”

      “Who’s Karen?”

      She poked her in the side. “You are Karen! You can’t go to school with a boy’s name like Mickey! You have to have a girl’s name, and your girl’s name is Karen. Karen Brown. My girl’s name is Meg. Meg Brown. Meg and Karen Brown.”

      “We’re girls,” Mickey said.

      “You bet your sweet rear end we’re girls!”

      Where the yard ended, the pines started. Among them were old ruined houses, just humps left of their two brick chimneys, and little burial grounds. They were popular destinations. Along with thin slabs of marble, some still standing, they had beer bottles, mattresses, and old car seats. The nearby ponds had their banks trampled down from fishing.

      Every time they came back from a voyage of discovery, Peggy would examine her house carefully from the deep cover of the underbrush on the edge of the yard. But there was never any sign that anyone had dropped by. No tire tracks in the mud.

      Peggy had not forgotten the intellectual and social ambitions she had started life with only a decade before. Years so weary and routine laden, they seemed like a single year that had repeated itself. She wanted to be creative and self-reliant. СКАЧАТЬ