How to earn on the bitcoins. Instruction. Quick earnings of crypto currency without attachments. Alex Maron
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СКАЧАТЬ he bitcoins. Instruction

      Quick earnings of crypto currency without attachments

      Alex Maron

      © Alex Maron, 2018

      ISBN 978-5-4490-3618-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      The first digital money appeared in 2008. The collapse of bitcoin has been inconclusively predicted since 2011, but it is growing from year to year. One of the active researchers of the phenomenon of this virtual currency, Joel Lopez Barata, mathematically calculated the possible cost of bitcoin at the end of 2018. The discrepancies in the assessment of his predictions are embarrassing – the price of a crypto currency may be from $ 13,200 to $ 271,277.

      General data on crypto-currencies

      Crypto-currency in recent times has become a favorite topic for discussions in the press, on the platforms of economic forums and social networks.

      Nota bene: crypto currency is a kind of electronic money with a special code of protection against forgery and hacking. The unit of change is a coin (coin), they exist exclusively in the digital version.

      The first digital money appeared in 2008. The collapse of bitcoin has been inconclusively predicted since 2011, but it is growing from year to year. One of the active researchers of the phenomenon of this virtual currency, Joel Lopez Barata, mathematically calculated the possible cost of bitcoin at the end of 2018. The discrepancies in the assessment of his predictions are embarrassing – the price of a crypto currency may be from $ 13,200 to $ 271,277. After such predictions you begin to understand that everything in our world is illusory and conditional, especially non-physical objects and the principles of their functioning.

      From the state of North Korea closed to external observers, information is leaking that the country’s authorities regularly buy bitcoins for the purpose of using them in the future, by circumventing restrictions on trade and other sanctions approved by the UN Security Council. Indeed, the possibility of anonymous acquisition and the absence of state regulation and control make bitcoin a convenient way to launder money from a country that threatens the world with nuclear weapons.

      Russia is under another barrage of sanctions, therefore, representatives of the ruling circles of the United States have already voiced aloud the opportunity to use the crypto currency to help their banks overcome the limitations and notorious sanctions. There is a possibility that in the future bitcoins will become a digital analogue of anonymous bank accounts in Switzerland.

      The most exotic news about the crypto currency was printed in 2013 in the form of revelations of a man from the future. Our descendant sent from the distant 2025 a warning about the “lousy situation” of the world economy due to bitcoin, in answer for which we are with you, the progenitors of this virtual investment of funds.

      A letter describing the sad consequences of mankind’s craze is slightly suggestive of the fact that our contemporary, who was well acquainted with the political realities and situation of countries on the world arena, wrote: “A criminal organization, presumably from Russia, took advantage of the hardware vulnerability of the phones handed out by the government, and for 48 hours deprived the African continent of 60% of all savings. “That is to blame for everything, as usual, the Russians. And the most suffering – the inhabitants of the African continent: “Destroy this project, before it’s too late … 70% of people in Africa are sure that bitcoin was invented by the devil.” How, in general, and AIDS.

      Not everything is so sad in relation to the crypto currency of the representatives of the subtle world and psychics.

      The hypnotist Jason Miller, living in South Carolina, offers his services to the clairvoyant to the bitlock owners who forgot the cryptichelp password. It turns out that the loss of the crypto password has already become a very common problem! Sam Ilon Mask admitted that he lost a couple of tokens, and this is serious.

      Crypto currency and its acquisition were a profitable investment at the beginning of the start of this project – bitcoin was going at a minimum price. Many who are familiar with the hearsay with financial pyramids like “MMM”, it is obvious that only those who stand at the bottom and origins of this organization can make good money on such schemes. Initially, all the bitcoins, linekoyins and dejkoins cost a penny, humanity only looked at the new phenomenon in the currency market.

      Nota bene: types of crypto currency – bitcoin, etherium, lightcoin, z-cache, dash, ripple, dracoin, primcoin, pirkoin, dodgecoin, naimcoin, etc.

      Enterprising and far-sighted users of the network at the very beginning of the cost of one bitcoin of 10 cents actively bought virtual coins, and, of course, well earned on it. What do those who only penetrate into the system of functioning of the crypto currency, sees for it a great future and wants to successfully invest their money?

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