Losing weight as a way of life. How to keep the figure for many years after losing weight, prone to fatness. Viki Borodinova
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СКАЧАТЬ of life

      How to keep the figure for many years after losing weight, prone to fatness

      Viki Borodinova

      © Viki Borodinova, 2017

      ISBN 978-5-4490-1035-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      In this manual, we will find out how to maintain a normal weight after losing weight, fasting, dieting throughout life. I really love to eat delicious and always was inclined to fullness, besides, it was not young (35 years). You can not call me nausea, but my weight for many years (more than ten years) is normal – 55 kg with a height of 160 cm. I attach my photos. In this manual, I will share the secrets, as there is absolutely everything (fast food, canned goods, fatty meat, cakes, etc.) and it’s easy to control your weight in the right frames.

      Introductory chapter

      You are advised to exercise, to refuse from heavy and multi-calorie food (butter, nuts, sweets, fat), to do unloading days, to adhere to the ideal healthy diet, to avoid stress, drink plenty of water? All this is complete nonsense.

      The secrets of weight retention are normal in the norm and they do not forbid eating anything and sitting on the couch, instead of spending hours training in the gym. Basically this accustoming not to get pleasure from food, but to take it as a necessary for life phenomenon. As a recharging, as something optional, as something completely unimportant. You can not make a cult out of it, you can not strive to “eat something tasty”, you need to learn how to be a soldier – eat fast, “give” and not think about the quality of food. These unpretentious secrets of a slender figure we will analyze more carefully and in detail on the points.

      Themes and items that we will be discussing with you in this guide:

      The schedule for which you need to live and eat.

      What exactly you can not do to lose weight and maintain weight in the norm. Alcohol, vomiting, laxative, special preparations, enemas, water.

      Libra, like morning coffee in the morning.

      Refusal of breakfast.

      Serving size. Dosed porridge, smelt cured and crab sticks. Weighing portions.

      The cost of a diet. Losing weight as a means of saving. An approximate calculation of the cost of a diet.

      How to kill the evening appetite? Banana, coffee.

      Is this really all that is told in the manual?

      Schedule for which you need to live and eat

      With pleasure from food, you should switch to something quite different. For example, get positive from hobbies, walks, communication or earning on the Internet. Passion for food should be replaced by another passion, but not smoking and alcohol, something non-material, spiritual, immaterial, digital. There should not be time to eat, to conduct feasts and plentiful meals. The motto: “Do not live to eat, but eat to live.”

      For example.

      You wake up.

      You eat one apple and drink coffee / tea.

      You go to work / in the university or do a house (cleaning, washing).

      You eat a small portion of any food. Weight of food is not more than 200 grams.

      You work, study, create, walk.

      Supper with kefir, fruits, nuts.

      Before going to bed, you drink tea without everything. You can have two cups.

      So every day. Think not about food, but about money, love, happiness, success, career, sport, travel, about anything, but not about food. Only so it will be possible to keep your weight in the norm. When you learn to not depend on food, and take it as a rare necessity – it will never be a problem with weight. Even more, the figure will become like the model – with a very flat beautiful belly and thin legs.

      It is not forbidden to eat anything – any “harmful” (and no food really does not happen) food. The main portion size and number of snacks. They too should not be much. Do not believe the advice of fractional food and 6—4 one-off snacks between the main meals. This is a tricky trap, the more you eat and eat, the more you will want later. There should be 2—3 meals a day. Not allowed even four.

      What you can not do to lose weight and keep the ideal weight

      What can not be exactly done for weight loss and weight maintenance is normal: in no case can one alone physical needs (appetite) be replaced by others, while unhealthy.

      Smoking. Can smoking dull the feeling of hunger? Yes maybe. But this is the way to nowhere. Why train yourself to such a harmful and disgusting habit?

      Alcohol. Is it possible to suppress appetite with alcohol-containing drinks? For several hours it is possible, but then, when the period of hangover and poisoning comes, the body will demand a huge amount of food. Especially at many at a stage of reception of alcohol the terrible hunger wakes up. Suppressing the appetite with alcohol is a doubly dangerous way for both figure and health.

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