Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Oppress, v. a. 1. Overburden, crush, overwhelm, overpower, weigh heavily upon, bear hard upon.

      2. Persecute, wrong, maltreat, treat cruelly, tyrannize over.

      Oppression, n. 1. Hardship, misery, suffering, calamity.

      2. Tyranny, severity, cruelty, injustice, persecution.

      Oppressive, a. 1. Heavy, overwhelming, overpowering.

      2. Tyrannical, cruel, severe, hard, rigorous, inhuman, grinding, galling.

      3. Close, uncomfortable.

      Oppressor, n. Tyrant.

      Opprobrious, a. 1. Reproachful, scurrilous, abusive, vituperative, insolent, condemnatory, damnatory, scandalous, contemptuous, offensive, insulting.

      2. Infamous, despised, shameful, dishonorable, disgraceful, disreputable.

      Opprobrium, n. Reproach, disgrace, infamy, ignominy, obloquy, odium.

      Oppugn, v. a. Assail, attack, combat, resist, oppose, thwart, contravene, withstand, strive against.

      Optic, a. Visual.

      Optical, a. Visual.

      Option, n. Choice, election, preference.

      Optional, a. Discretional, elective.

      Opulence, n. Wealth, affluence, riches, fortune, independence, easy circumstances, ample means.

      Opulent, a. Wealthy, rich, affluent, flush, moneyed, well off.

      Oracle, n. 1. Divine communication.

      2. (Jewish History.) Sanctuary, Holy of Holies.

      3. (Greek History.) Deity or god (from whom divine communications come).

      4. Sage, prophet, Solomon, Nestor, wise man, master mind, shining light.

      Oracular, a. 1. Prophetic, dogmatical, authoritative, magisterial.

      2. Sage, wise, grave, venerable.

      Oral, a. Spoken, verbal, nuncupative, parole, not written.

      Orally, ad. By word of mouth.

      Oration, n. Discourse, address, speech, harangue.

      Orator, n. Public speaker.

      Oratorical, a. Rhetorical.

      Oratory, n. Eloquence, art of speaking well (in public).

      Orb, n. 1. Globe, sphere, ball.

      2. Circle, orbit.

      Orbicular, a. 1. Spherical, globular, globated, globous, globose.

      2. Circular.

      Orbit, n. 1. Orb, circular path (of a celestial body).

      2. (Anat.) Cavity of the eye.

      Orchestra, n. 1. Place for musicians (as in a theatre).

      2. Band of instrumental musicians (in an orchestra).

      Orchotomy, n. (Med.) Emasculation, castration.

      Ordain, v. a. 1. Appoint, call, elect, consecrate, destine, set apart.

      2. Establish, institute, regulate, set in order, arrange.

      3. Decree, enact, order, prescribe, enjoin.

      Ordeal, n. Trial, test, touchstone, proof, assay, experiment.

      Order, n. 1. Method, regularity, symmetry, regular arrangement.

      2. Fit condition, proper state.

      3. Regulation, rule, canon, prescription, law, standing rule.

      4. Mandate, precept, injunction, command, direction, instruction, bidding.

      5. Rank, class, grade, degree.

      6. (Bot.) Family, tribe.

      7. (Zoöl.) Sub-class, subordinate class.

      Order, v. a. 1. Regulate, arrange, systematize, adjust, methodize.

      2. Manage, conduct, carry on.

      3. Command, instruct, direct, bid, require, give an order to.

      Orderly, a. 1. Regular, methodical, systematic.

      2. Peaceable, quiet, well behaved.

      Orders, n. pl. Holy orders, office of the Christian ministry, the sacred profession.

      Ordinance, n. 1. Decree, edict, law, enactment, statute.

      2. Rite, ceremony, observance, sacrament.

      Ordinarily, ad. Commonly, usually, generally.

      Ordinary, a. 1. Common, usual, customary, habitual, settled, established, wonted, every day.

      2. Mean, vulgar, low, inferior.

      3. Plain, ugly, homely, inelegant, ill-looking, not handsome, not fine.

      Ordinary, n. Eating-house (where a meal is offered at a settled price), table d'hôte, public table.

      Ordination, n. Consecration, induction, institution.

      Ordnance, n. Cannon, great guns.

      Ordure, n. Dung, excrement, fæces.

      Organ, n. Instrument, means, medium.

      Organic, n. Radical, fundamental, constitutional.

      Organical, n. Radical, fundamental, constitutional.

      Organism, n. 1. Organic structure.

      2. Organization, organized being, organized existence.

      Organization, n. 1. Construction, constitution, organizing, forming, making.

      2. Organism, organized being, organized existence.

      Organize, v. a. Constitute (by assignment of parts), dispose or arrange in parts (for special functions), construct, form, make.

      Orgies, n. pl. Revels, bacchanals, saturnalia, carousal, revelry, wassail, debauch, drunken bout.

      Orient, a. 1. Eastern, oriental.

      2. Bright, shining, glittering, sparkling, brilliant.

      Orient, n. East.

      Oriental, a. Eastern, orient.

      Orifice, n. Hole, aperture, perforation, pore.

      Origin, n. 1. Source, rise, spring, beginning, commencement, birth, cradle, original, fountain-head, starting-point.

      2. Cause, occasion.

      Original, СКАЧАТЬ