Название: Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus
Автор: Дамир Хаматулин
Издательство: АСТ
In Toulouse, not far from Belweser,
Making one mine long, a palace for performance
The treasure is found, everyone is annoyed,
And in two places everything, and near the bazaklya.
Not far from this quatrain, at 8-39, there is another Toulouse. And this is the most correct, in this case, place in all Centuries. In appearance, the site is quite large, but in fact, the words in it are collected quite compactly, except for “ Bel + ue + zer ” But, in view of the fact that the ending “– zer -” is found only five times in all Centuries, this must be evaluated. So – here is the whole local storehouse: “ pu + ys ”, moreover, twice, PALAIS – in the upper part of the site, TRESOR – in the bottom – “ es + pe + ct + ac + le ”, the rest are whole words, and, of course, “ Bel + ue + zer ".
8-36 Sera commis conte oingdre aduche'
De S aulne & sain ct A ulbin & Bell l'oeuure
P a ue r de marbre de tours loing espluche'
Non Bleteram resister & chef d'oeuure.
8-37 L a forteresse aupres de la Tamise
Cherra par lors le Roy dedans serre': A upres du pont sera veu en chemise
Vn deuant mort, pu is dans le fort barre'.
8-38 Le Roy de Blo ys dans Auignon regner
Vne autre fo ys le pe uple monopolle
Dedans le R osne par murs fera baigner
I usqu es a cinq le dernier pres de Nolle.
8-39 Qu'aura este' par prince Bizantin,
Sera tollu par prince de Tholoze
La foy de Foix par le chief Tholentin Luy faill ira ne refusant l'espouse.
8-40 Le sang du Iuste par Taurer la daurade,
se venger contre les Saturnins Au nouueau l ac plongeront la maynade,
Pu is marcheront contre les Albanins.
8-41 E sleu sera R enad ne sonnant mot,
Faisant le saint public viuant pain d'orge,
T yranni zer apres tant a vn cop,
Mettant a pied des plus grans sus la gorge.
8-42 Par auarice, par force, & violence
Viendra vexer les siens chiefz d' Orleans …
The author in the fourth line states that there is another place, near Bazakle. It Also found . Below – "Vas + acle" and "tre + sor".
9-26 Nice sor tie sur nom des letres aspres,
La grande cappe fera present non sien:
Proche de vultry aux murs de vertes capres,
Apres plombin le vent a bon essien.
9-27 De bois la garde vent cloz rond pont sera,
Hault le receu frappera le Daulphin,
Le vieux teccon bois vnis passera,
Passant plus oul tre du duc le droit confin.
9-28 Voille Sym acle port Massiliolique,
Dans Venise port marcher aux Pannons:
Partir du goulfre & sinus Illirique,
Vas ta Socile, Ligurs coups de canons.
And, God, is his statement about more than just the treasure? Second palace – PALAIS, too Here is found .
9-33 Hercules Roy de Romme & d' A nnemarc,
De Gaule trois Guion surnomme', Trembler l' I tale & l'vnde de sainct Marc,
Premier sur tous monarque renomme'.
9-34 Le part soluz mary sera mittre',
Retour conflict passera sur le thuille: Par cinq cens vn trahyr sera tiltre' Narbon & S aulce par coutaux auons d'huille.
9-35 Et Ferdinand blonde sera descorte,
Quitter la fleur, suyure le Macedon, A u grand besoing defaillira sa route…
It is probably noticeable that I, “today's”, intervened in recent topics. I previously found the correct sections with clues, but I didn’t see all of them. Time a little now was to fill in the past empty spots. I couldn't contain myself.
The fruit theme has been waiting in the wings for a long time. Even at the very early stages of my comprehension of the “Prophecies”, I could not understand why all the venerable Nostradamusologists associate the word “ pesche ” with a fisherman, fish, fishing, even with a pocket, but not with a peach. Also with the word “ coing ” – everyone everywhere has this angle, although the angle is “ coin ” in modern French, but the quince, as it was earlier “ coing ”, remained “ coing ”. Yes, the “Prophecies” seem to be a serious book, there is no time for fruits here, quatrains are filled with global events, but when the Author himself hints at the whole fruity aroma, you can listen to this, for example, looking ahead, quatrain 9-65, in which researchers, all without exception, saw the angle of the moon. Yes, you need to look at the sky more often, it is round, it has no corners. But the fruit, the quince fruit, took a lot from the moon, even visually. And given the Nostradamus cryptography – much more.
9-65 Dedans le coing de moon viendra rendre
Oh sera princes & mys en terre estrange .
Les fruitz СКАЧАТЬ