Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Группа авторов
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Название: Magnetic Resonance Microscopy

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9783527827251


СКАЧАТЬr Imaging zone (height x diameter) Type of probe Dielectric material Exploited distribution Tuning technique [13] Human breast 3 128 1000 15 cm × 10 cm Volume (BaSr)TiO3 + Mg TE01δ (5 coupled disks) Interdisk gap adjustment [14] Wrist 7 298 80 10 cm × 10 cm Volume Water HEM11δ Capacitors (coupling loops electronic network) [15] Cardiac (torso) 7 298 165 Surface (BaSr)TiO3 TE01δ (array of 8 resonators) [16] Microscopy 14.1 600 156 24 mm × 4.8 mm Volume CaTiO3 TE01δ Overlap with copper foils [17] Microscopy 14.1 600 323 4 mm × 3.8 mm Volume (BaSr)TiO3 2 coupled TE01δ modes Overlap with copper strips [18] Microscopy 17.2 730 536 10 mm × 5.6 mm Volume (BaSr)TiO3 + Mg TE01δ Temperature [19] Microscopy 17.2 730 536. 10 mm × 5.6 mm twice Volume (BaSr)TiO3 + Mg 2 coupled TE01δ modes Temperature

      2.3 Modeling and Design Guidelines

      Take-home message: It is possible to model the first TE mode of cylindrical dielectric resonators, at the cost of manually writing the mode’s field expression and numerically solving a set of equations.

      Figure 2.1 TE01δ mode of a cylindrical resonator: field-line schematic and notations.

      2.3.1 Dielectric Cylindrical Resonator Modes

      Describing the eigenmodes of dielectric structures relies on a similar methodology as for metallic cavities. Here we focus on resonators with circular cross sections, therefore all the equations will be expressed in a cylindrical coordinates system (ρ, θ, y) with ρ the radius, θ the azimuth, and y the altitude. ρ and θ relate to the Cartesian coordinates system (x, y, z) according to and θ = arctan z / x. The unit vectors associated with this coordinates system are denoted , , and ey.