Managing Customer Experience and Relationships. Don Peppers
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Название: Managing Customer Experience and Relationships

Автор: Don Peppers

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Экономика


isbn: 9781119815341


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      A Strategic Framework


       Don PeppersMartha Rogers

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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      It's been five decades since I first started studying and writing about marketing. Back then, the Industrial Age was in its prime. Manufacturers churned out products on massive assembly lines and stored them in huge warehouses, where they patiently waited for retailers to order and shelve boxes and bottles so that customers could buy them. Market leaders enjoyed great market shares from their carefully crafted mass-production, mass-distribution, and mass-advertising campaigns.

      What we all learned from the Industrial Age is that if an enterprise wanted to make money, it needed to be efficient at large-scale manufacturing and distribution. The enterprise needed to manufacture millions of standard products and distribute them in the same way to all of their customers. Mass producers relied on numerous intermediaries to finance, distribute, stock, and sell the goods to ever-expanding geographical markets. However, in the process, producers grew increasingly removed from any direct contact with end users.

      Producers tried to make up for what they didn't know about end users by using a barrage of marketing research methods, primarily customer panels, focus groups, and large-scale customer surveys. The aim was not to learn about individual customers but about large customer segments, such as “women ages 30 to 55.” The exception occurred in business-to-business marketing, where each salesperson knew each customer and prospect as an individual. Well-trained salespeople were cognizant of each customer's buying habits, preferences, and peculiarities. Even here, however, much of this information was never codified. When a salesperson retired or quit, the company lost a great deal of specific customer information. Only more recently, with sales automation software and loyalty-building programs, have business-to-business enterprises begun capturing detailed information about each customer on the company's mainframe computer.

      As for the consumer market, interest in knowing consumers as individuals lagged behind the business-to-business marketplace. The exception occurred with direct mailers and catalog marketers who collected and analyzed data on individual customers. Direct marketers purchased mailing lists and kept records of their transactions with individual customers. The individual customer's stream of transactions provided clues as to other items that might interest that customer. For example, in the case of consumer appliances, the company could at least know when a customer might be ready to replace an older appliance with a new one if the price was right.