Essays. Michel de Montaigne
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Название: Essays

Автор: Michel de Montaigne

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: История


isbn: 9780857089342



      Secondly, that, by this means, I the less remember the injuries I have received; insomuch that, as the ancient said [Cicero, Pro Ligurio, c. 12] I should have a register of injuries, or a prompter, as Darius, who, that he might not forget the offence he had received from those of Athens, so oft as he sat down to dinner, ordered one of his pages three times to repeat in his ear, “Sir, remember the Athenians” [Herodotus, Histories v. 105.] and then, again, the places which I revisit, and the books I read over again, still smile upon me with a fresh novelty.

       Ut externus alienopene non sit hominis vice.

      [As a foreigner cannot be said to supply us the place of a man.

      —Pliny, Natural History. vii. I]

      And how much less sociable is false speaking than silence?