Statistical Approaches for Hidden Variables in Ecology. Nathalie Peyrard
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Название: Statistical Approaches for Hidden Variables in Ecology

Автор: Nathalie Peyrard

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781119902782


СКАЧАТЬ Graphs depict the evolution of estimated transition probabilities as a function of distance from the nest. Choosing a number of states

J 2 3 4 5 6 7
AIC 29,044 24,213 18,773 16,624 14,220 19,480
ICL 29,195 24,210 18,887 16,720 14,821 21,003

      From a purely statistical perspective, a 6-state model appears preferable here.

Schematic illustration of the study zone and three trajectories of three different red-footed boobies.

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