The Nuremberg Trials (Vol.9). International Military Tribunal
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Название: The Nuremberg Trials (Vol.9)

Автор: International Military Tribunal

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066308506


СКАЧАТЬ on the figures. He placed at their disposal as many workers as he could get, but the numbers were always below the figure requested.

      DR. SERVATIUS: In this connection did he have a free hand, or did the Führer make the decisions?

      MILCH: As far as I know, the Führer intervened very frequently and Sauckel was often summoned to confer with Hitler.

      DR. SERVATIUS: Were there not discussions at the Führer’s headquarters on all essential programs, especially those involving manpower?

      MILCH: No, not all programs; but occasionally these matters were discussed. However, the discussions with the Führer about labor problems were mostly very brief. He did not wish to discuss the wider issues of this matter.

      DR. SERVATIUS: What had the Four Year Plan to do with the matter?

      MILCH: The Four Year Plan, as far as I know, also dealt with these problems. But I rather think that in this respect it served as an auxiliary organization for Hitler, who did not wish to discuss these matters in detail.

      DR. SERVATIUS: Do you know that according to decrees Sauckel had to subordinate himself to the Four Year Plan, that is, to Göring, and that he had to receive orders from him?

      MILCH: I do not exactly know how matters stood.

      DR. SERVATIUS: One more question. How did the workers, the foreign workers, behave? Were they willing and hard working?

      MILCH: The majority were excellent workers.

      DR. SERVATIUS: How do you account for that?

      MILCH: In the first years these workers were pleased to be able to get work and food. We treated them well, as far as I can judge, and their rations were larger than those of the German population. They received extra rations on the same scale as the German workers for heavy and very heavy physical work, also for overtime. The French and Russian workers worked exceptionally well. I occasionally heard complaints about the Dutch workers.

      DR. SERVATIUS: Are you familiar with Sauckel’s regulations concerning the welfare of the foreign workers?

      MILCH: I remember that on one occasion Sauckel spoke to us on this subject at the headquarters of the Central Planning Board.

      DR. SERVATIUS: Did he show a humane or a severe attitude?

      MILCH: His intentions were entirely humane. Sauckel had been set a very difficult task by Hitler. As far as I know, he had been a workingman himself and, as a seaman, had worked very hard in his time; consequently, he was kindly disposed towards workers.

      DR. SERVATIUS: I have no further questions to ask the witness.

      PROFESSOR DR. HERMANN JAHRREISS (Counsel for Defendant Jodl): Witness, did you take part in the 1937 Wehrmacht maneuvers?

      MILCH: In Mecklenburg, I believe.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Yes, that is so. Do you remember if any foreign officers were present as guests?

      MILCH: Yes. I know that a large British military mission was present and a general, who later was appointed Governor of Gibraltar.

      DR. JAHRREISS: General Ironside?

      MILCH: Yes, Ironside. I spoke to him personally and also welcomed some of the gentlemen of his staff. There were also Italian officers and officers from many other countries; at the moment I cannot say exactly what countries—I have forgotten.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Was there by any chance a French military mission as well?

      MILCH: I think, so, but I cannot say for certain—I cannot remember so far back. But I did speak to General Ironside.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Witness, do you know if at that time these foreign officers were also shown the most up-to-date German armament equipment?

      MILCH: Yes.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Was all the equipment demonstrated in action?

      MILCH: Everything was demonstrated in action, with the exception of a new plane not yet in use; but even this was shown.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Do you know if we, that is, Germany, also allowed foreign powers to inspect our air raid precautions equipment?

      MILCH: Yes, on many occasions. A Mr. Fraser came to see me from England, together with Lord Trenchard. Mr. Fraser was interested in air raid precautions equipment, and was immediately shown the latest developments.

      DR. JAHRREISS: When was that, please?

      MILCH: I think it was in 1937 or 1938, but I will see if I can find the date. [Referring to his notes.] It was on 1 July 1937.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Do you remember if anybody else came from England at a later date?

      MILCH: It was later followed by a personal interchange between our services and the British. I myself, having brought them together, took no further part in the matter.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Thank you. One more question. Do you remember the conflict which arose over the reoccupation of the Rhineland?

      MILCH: Yes.

      DR. JAHRREISS: You also know how great was the excitement it caused.

      MILCH: Yes.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Did the Luftwaffe also take part in the reoccupation of the Rhineland—to be precise, on the left bank of the Rhine?

      MILCH: I cannot, at the moment, answer this question. The reoccupation of the Rhineland was so sudden that I was taken unawares while on leave. When I returned, the occupation was well under way. I know that Düsseldorf had been occupied and that the Luftwaffe had taken part. I myself went there a few days later.

      DR. JAHRREISS: But that is on the right bank of the Rhine?

      MILCH: That is on the right bank.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Then you know nothing about the left bank of the Rhine?

      MILCH: No, I cannot say anything about it at the moment. I do not believe there was an airfield there; anyhow, I cannot remember exactly.

      DR. JAHRREISS: You say that the reoccupation of the Rhineland was very sudden. But had nothing been arranged beforehand by the Luftwaffe to provide for such an event?

      MILCH: The decision was made when I was on leave and everything we had was naturally used for this purpose, but we did not have very much.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Quite so, but let us get it quite clear. Was the Luftwaffe told to be ready for the first time while you were on leave?

      MILCH: Yes, definitely; otherwise I would not have gone on leave.

      DR. JAHRREISS: What was the earliest date on which the Luftwaffe was given the alert before the reoccupation?

      MILCH: It might have been a matter of 14, 15, or 16 days. That would be the maximum.

      DR. JAHRREISS: Witness, on Friday you made a statement about the part played by the Luftwaffe СКАЧАТЬ