Villani's Chronicle. Giovanni Villani
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Название: Villani's Chronicle

Автор: Giovanni Villani

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4057664610263


СКАЧАТЬ The Duchy of Spoleto. The March = The March of Ancona. The Principality = [?] The Principality of Tarento. San Miniato = San Miniato al Tedesco, in the Arno Valley, West of Empoli. Nocera = Nocera of the Saracens near Naples, not the Nocera of Paradiso xi. 48. The Duomo or Cathedral = What is now known as the Baptistery.

      Master, M., Messer, all represent the Italian Messer.

      "Popolo" is translated "people" except where it means "the Democracy" as a form of government. It is there given untranslated. [∵ If this rule is ever departed from, it is through inadvertency.]

      The "popolari" or "popolani" are members of the "popolo" or people, sometimes opposed to the "Nobili," or old Nobility of birth, and sometimes to the "Grandi," or Magnates, the new nobility of wealth and status.

      To be "placed under bounds" appears to mean banishment or confinement, under the form of a prohibition to cross certain stated "bounds."

      The "Black" Cerchi are merely a branch of the Cerchi family: they were "Whites" politically.

      Villani was well acquainted with Dante's works, and evidently regarded him as an authority. Therefore it must not be taken for granted, without further thought, that in every case of agreement Villani's testimony is an independent confirmation of Dante.


       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      This book is called the New Chronicle, in which many past things are treated of, and especially the root and origins of the city of Florence; then all the changes through which it has passed and shall pass in the course of time: begun to be compiled in the year of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, 1300. Here begins the preface and the First Book.

      § 3.—How the world was divided into three parts, and of the first called Asia. § 4.—Of the second part of the world called Africa, and its boundaries.

      * * * * This Europe was first inhabited by the descendants of Japhet, the third son of Noah, as we shall make mention hereafter in our treatise; and also according to Escodio, master in history, Noah in person, with Janus his son, which he begat after the Flood, came into this part of Europe into the region of Italy, and there ended his life; and Janus abode there, and from him were descended great lords and peoples, and he did many things in Italy.

      § 6.—How King Atlas, born in the fifth degree from Japhet, son of Noah, first came into Europe.