Loimologia: Or, an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665. John Quincy
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Название: Loimologia: Or, an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665

Автор: John Quincy

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066205218


СКАЧАТЬ moreover it appears, of what a diffused Nature this Contagion may be of, by the great Plenty that transpires from an infected Person; and which Steam alone, as it is sufficient to communicate the Infection, so it is also capable of vast Dilatation and Diffusion; not much unlike the Snuff of a Candle, which not only emits a great deal of Smoak, but carries a considerable Stench along with it into very distant Parts.

      SECONDLY, A fit Medium is very conducive to the Propagation of the Plague; for according to the Disposition of that, in being more or less open or confined, is the Infection sooner or slower communicated: Nor is there any Doubt, but that the Air is this fit Medium, and whose Pores, altho’ very minute, are readily filled with it; and therein the noxious Effluvia lodge securely, unless expelled by any external Force.

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