Benjamin Franklin. John S. C. Abbott
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Название: Benjamin Franklin

Автор: John S. C. Abbott

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664596727



       John S. C. Abbott

      Benjamin Franklin

      A Picture of the Struggles of Our Infant Nation One Hundred Years Ago

      Published by Good Press, 2021

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664596727


       CHAPTER I.

       Parentage and Early Life.

       CHAPTER II.

       Developments of Character.


       Excursion to England.

       CHAPTER IV.

       Mental and Moral Conflicts.

       CHAPTER V.

       The Dawn of Prosperity.

       CHAPTER VI.

       Religious and Philosophic Views.


       The Tradesman becomes a Philosopher.


       The Rising Storms of War.

       CHAPTER IX.

       Franklin’s Mission to England.

       CHAPTER X.

       Franklin’s Second Mission to England.

       CHAPTER XI.

       The Intolerance of King and Court.


       The Bloodhounds of War Unleashed.


       Progress of the War, both of Diplomacy and the Sword.


       The Struggles of Diplomacy.

       CHAPTER XV.

       Life’s Closing Scenes.

       Table of Contents

      Next to George Washington, we must write, upon the Catalogue of American Patriots, the name of Benjamin Franklin. He had so many virtues that there is no need of exaggerating them; so few imperfections that they need not be concealed. The writer has endeavored to give a perfectly accurate view of his character, and of that great struggle, in which he took so conspicuous a part, which secured the Independence of the United States. Probably there can no where be found, within the same limits, so vivid a picture of Life in America, one hundred years ago, as the career of Franklin presents.

      This volume is the twelfth of the Library Series of Pioneers and Patriots. The series presents a graphic history of our country from its discovery.

      1. Christopher Columbus reveals to us the West Indies, and gives a narrative of wonders unsurpassed in fact or fable.

      2. De Soto conducts us to Florida, and leads us through scenes of romance, crime, blood and woe—through many Indian tribes, across the continent, to the Mississippi, where he finds his melancholy grave.

      3. La Salle, and his heroic companions, traversed thousands of miles of majestic lakes and unknown rivers, and introduces us to innumerable barbaric tribes. There is no other writer, who, from his own personal observation, can give one so vivid an idea of Life in the Indian village and wigwam.

      4. Miles Standish was the Captain of the Pilgrims. He conducts us in the May Flower, across the Atlantic, lands us at Plymouth, and tells the never to be forgotten story of the heroism of our fathers in laying the foundations of this great republic.

      5. Captain Kidd, and the Buccaneers, reveal to us the awful condition of North and South America, when there was no protecting law here, and when pirates swept sea and land, inflicting atrocities, the narrative of which causes the ear which hears it to tingle.

      6. Peter Stuyvesant takes us by the hand, and introduces us to the Dutch settlement at the mouth СКАЧАТЬ