Fredericksburg, Virginia 1608-1908. Author:Sylvanius Jackson Quinn
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Название: Fredericksburg, Virginia 1608-1908

Автор: Author:Sylvanius Jackson Quinn

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066453824



      CHAPTER I.

      Captain John Smith Explores the Rappahannock River — The Flight of Pocahontas — Major Lawrence Smith's Fort — Governor Spotswood's Miners at Germanna.


      The Knights of the Golden Horse Shoe — Governor Spotswood's Expedition over the Blue Ridge Mountains.


      Fredericksburg Incorporated by the House of Burgesses — Col. Byrd Walks about Town — A Church Building Erected — Rev. Patrick Henry Rector — Augustine Washington a Town Trustee — Stock Fairs Inaugurated — Limits of the Town Extended.


      Encouraging Home Industries — Further Extension of the Town — Tobacco Inspectors Appointed — Modes of Punishing Criminals — Prosperity — Military Ardor — Under the United States Government — A New Order of Things

      CHAPTER V. Lease of the Market-House Lots — The First Serious Fire — Fredericksburg an Important Center — An Act Concerning Elections — Half of the Town Destroyed by Fire — Fredericksburg an Important Postal Point — How the Mails were Carried — A Congressional Investigation — Amendatory Acts of 1821 — The Great Fire of 1822 — TheTrade of the Town — Contagious Diseases — The Town in 1841 — Acts of

      Extension, 1851, 1852, 1858, 1861


      The War Clouds Gather — Fredericksburg in the Southern Confederacy — Troops Raised and Equipped — Town Surrendered to Federal Authorities — Citizens Arrested and Held as Hostages — Thrilling Evacuating Scenes — Citizens' Flee from their Homes — Bombardment of the Town


      The Great Battle — The Town Sacked by Soldiers — The Federals Recross the River — A Great Revival of Religion — The Battle of Chancellorsville — Gen. Sedgewick Captures the Town — The Wilderness Campaign — Many Noncombatant Citizens Arrested and Imprisoned — A Statement by the Council — The Citizens and Federal Soldiers Released


      The Armies Transferred to Richmond and Petersburg — Gen. Lee Surrenders his Army — Citizens Return Home — Action of the City Council — Fredericksburg Again Under the Old Flag — The Assassination of President Lincoln Denounced — Reconstruction Commenced — An Election Set Aside by the Military — All Civil Offices Set Aside and Strangers Appointed — The Financial Condition of the Town — The Town Again in the Hands of its Citizens — Splendid Financial Showing.


      The Courts of Fredericksburg —The Freedman's Bureau — Court Orders and Incidents — First Night Watch Appointed — Ministers Qualify to Perform Marriage Ceremony — First Notary Public — Fixing the Value of Bank Notes — Prison Bounds for Debtors — Church Buildings.

      CHAPTER X.

      Public Buildings — Court House — The Jail — Town Hall — Fire Department — School Buildings — Wallace Library — Normal School —Government Building.


      Ancient and Historical Buildings — Mary Washington Monument — General Mercer's Statute — Mary Washington's Will.


      Hotels of the Town, old and new — Agricultural Fairs and Toll Bridges — Care of the Dependent Poor — City Water Works — City Gas Works — Electric Light — Telephone Company — Fire Department.


      Volunteer Militia — The Confederate Cemetery — The National Cemetery — The Confederate Veterans — The Sons of Confederate Veterans — The Schools, Private and Public.


      The Churches of Fredericksburg.


      Charitable and Benevolent Societies — Mary Washington Hospital — Newspapers and Periodicals — Political Excitement — Strong Resolutions Against the Administration — An Address Approving the President's Foreign Policy — The Names of Those who Signed the Address.


      Distinguished Men Buried in Fredericksburg — A Remarkable Grave Stone — Three Heroic Fredericksburg citizens, Wellford, Herndon, Willis — The Old Liberty Bell Passes Through Town — Great Demonstration in its Honor — What a Chinaman Thought of it.


      Visits of Heroes — Gala Days — The Army of the Society of the Potomac Enters the Town.


      The Society of the Army of the Potomac Continued — Welcome Address — Laying a Corner Stone.


      Doctor Walker's Expedition — Bacon's Rebellion, so-called — The Fredericksburg Declaration — The Great Orator — Resolutions of Separation — The Virginia Bill of Rights.


      Declaration of Separation — The Declaration of Independence — Washington Commander-in-Chief of the Armies — John Paul Jones Raises the First Flag — First to Throw the Stars and Stripes to the Breeze — Fredericksburg Furnishes the Head of the Army and Navy — The Constitution of the United States.


      The First Proclamation for Public Thanksgiving — Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion — John Marshall and the Supreme Court — Religious Liberty — The Monroe Doctrine — Seven Presidents — Clarke Saves the Great Northwest — The Vast Western Territory Explored — The Louisiana Purchase — The Florida Purchase — Texas Acquired — The War with Mexico and its Rich Results — The Oceans Sounded, Measured and Mapped — The Ladies' Memorial Association — The Mary Washington Monument — General Hugh Mercer's Statue.


      Fredericksburg at Present — The Health of the City — its Financial Solidity — Its Commercial Prosperity — Its Lines of Transportation — Its Water Power — Its Official Calendar — Chronological List of Mayors.

       CHAPTER I.

       Capt. John Smith Explores the Rappahannock River — The Flight of Pocahontas —Major Smith's Fort — Governor Spotswood's Miners at Germanna.

      In what year the white man first set his foot upon the present site of Fredericksburg is СКАЧАТЬ