The Origin of Christian Science. Thomas Polhill Stafford
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Название: The Origin of Christian Science

Автор: Thomas Polhill Stafford

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Математика


isbn: 4064066301859


СКАЧАТЬ fits their thoughts, since it was fashioned by their thoughts. This was true of the greatest of the Neoplatonists. Mrs. Eddy was gifted by nature to reproduce them. She does not argue; she speaks dogmatically; she announces as a revelator what she sees. And she is in truth a seer of Neoplatonism. The Neoplatonists delivered their views with the same assumed prophetic insight. ​They did not need to give proof; or if they did it was an act of condescension. It was their privilege to deliver with oracular authority their message.

      Plotinus and Mrs. Eddy, like Ralph Waldo Emerson, have the style of great wits, namely, brevity. This is my defence — in which there is additional proof of my theory — for quoting them as I do.

      The following suggestions will be helpful to the reader.

      After going through this first chapter, which explains the general character of the argument, study the others also in the order in which they are found. Each subject is discussed in the light of preceding developments. If one chooses not to follow this plan, then, to look at the table of contents, and select what topic he wants, is as good a way as any. The chapter on Psychology the author considers the most valuable, both for conducting the student into the heart of the subject and for conclusiveness of demonstration.

      The abbreviations, figures, etc., in the footnotes will be easily understood by a little study of the Bibliography, which is recommended.

      1  Note—The abbreviations, figures, etc., of the footnotes will be understood by an investigation of the Bibliography.

      2  Retros. and Intros. p. 38.

      3  Retros. and Intros. p. 39.

      4  S. and H. p. 110.

      5  S. and H. p. 110.

      6  S. and H. p. 126.

      7  S. and H. p. 127.

      8  S. and H. p. 147.

      9  Retros. and Intros. p. 55 f.

      10  S. and H. p. 109.

      11  Retros. and Intros. p. 42.

      12  Retros. and Intros. p. 45.

      13  Ex. 3:14. cf. S. and H. p. 252 f.

      14  Ueberweg's Geschichte der Philosophie, Vol. I p. 356.

      15  Cf. several articles in McClure's Magazine for 1907 by Georgine Milmine, especially the one in the Feb. No.

      16  Rev. O. P. Gifford in Review and Expositor, Vol. VIII No. 2, p. 196.

      17  No and Yes p. 23.

      18  Cf. Retros. and Intros. p. 55.

      19  Cf. The Pagan Invasion. Article in St. Louis Christian Advocate, March 27, 1912, by Rev. S. H. Wainright, D.D.

      20  Cf. Retros. and Intros. p. 78.

      21  Cf. No and Yes. p. 30.

      22  Cf. Georgine Milmine's article in McClure's, Feb., 1907.

      23  Cf. Georgine Milmine's article in McClure's, Oct., 1907.

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