Polish Fairy Tales. Antoni Józef Gliński
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Название: Polish Fairy Tales

Автор: Antoni Józef Gliński

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066462864


СКАЧАТЬ me for your wife, and I will give it to you."

      "But how can you be my wife, little frog?"

      "That is just what has got to be. You know that you shot your arrow from the tower, thinking that where it fell, you would find a loving wife; so you will have her in me."

      "You are very wise, I see, little frog. But tell me, how ​can I marry you, or introduce you to my father? And what will the world say?"

      "Take me home with you, and let nobody see me. Tell them that you have married an Eastern lady, who must not be seen by any man, except her husband, nor even by another woman."

      The prince considered a little. The arrow had now floated to the margin of the lake; he took the arrow from the little frog, put her in his pocket, carried her home, and then went to bed, sighing very deeply.

      Next morning the king was told that all his sons had got married; so he called them all together, and said:

      "Well children, are you all pleased with your wives?"

      "Very pleased indeed, father and king."

      "Well, we shall see who has chosen best. Let each of my daughters-in-law weave me a carpet by to-morrow, and the one whose carpet is the most beautiful shall be queen."

      The elder princes hastened at once to their ladies; but the youngest, when he reached home, was in despair.

      "What is the matter, prince?" asked the frog.

      "What is the matter? My father has ordered that each of his daughters-in-law shall weave him a carpet, and the one whose carpet proves the most beautiful shall be first in rank. My brothers' wives are most likely working at their looms already. But you, little frog, although you can give ​back an arrow, and talk like a human being, will not be able to weave a carpet, as far as I can see."

      "Don't be afraid," she said; "go to sleep, and before you wake the carpet shall be ready."

      So he lay down, and went to sleep.

      But the little frog stood on her hind-legs in the window and sang:

      "Ye breezes that blow, ye winds that sigh,

      ⁠Come hither on airy wing;

       And all of you straight to my dwelling hie,

      ⁠And various treasures bring.

      ⁠Two fleeces I crave of the finest wool,

      ⁠And of the loveliest flowers a basketful;

      ⁠From the depths of the ocean bring sands of gold,

      ⁠And pearl-drops of lustre manifold;

      ⁠That so I may fashion a carpet bright,

      ⁠Adorned with fair flow'rets and gems of light,

      ⁠And weave it in one short day and night,

      ⁠When my true love's hands must the treasure hold."

      There was a gentle murmur of the breezes, and from the sunbeams descended seven lovely maidens, who floated into the room, carrying baskets of various coloured wools, pearls, and flowers. They curtsied deeply to the little frog, and in a few minutes they wove a wonderfully beautiful carpet; then they curtsied again, and flew away.

      Meanwhile the wives of the other princes bought the most beautifully coloured wools, and the best designs they could find, and worked hard at their looms all the next day.


The little house turns. Illustration by Cecile Walton, 1920..jpg


      ​Then all the princes came before the king, and spread out their carpets before him.

      The king looked at the first and the second; but when he came to the third, he exclaimed:

      "That's the carpet for me! I give the first place to my youngest son's wife; but there must be another trial yet."

      And he ordered that each of his daughters-in-law should make him a cake next day; and the husband of the one whose cake proved the best should be his successor.

      The youngest prince came back to his frog wife; he looked very thoughtful, and sighed deeply.

      "What is the matter, prince?" she asked.

      "My father demands another proof of skill; and I am not so sure that we shall succeed so well as before; for how can you bake a cake?"

      "Do not be afraid," she said: "Lie down, and sleep; and when you wake you will be in a happier frame of mind."

      The prince went to sleep; and the frog sprang up to the window, and sang:

      "Ye breezes that blow, ye winds that sigh,

      ⁠Come hither on airy wing;

       And all of you straight to my dwelling hie,

      ⁠These various gifts to bring.

      ⁠From the sunbeams bright

      ⁠Bring me heat and light;


      ⁠And soft waters distil

      ⁠From the pure flowing rill.

      ⁠From the flowers of the field

      ⁠The sweet odours they yield.

      ⁠From the wheatfields obtain

      ⁠Five full measures of grain,

      ⁠That so I may bake

      ⁠In the night-time a cake,

      ⁠For my true love's sake."

      The winds began to rise, and the seven beautiful maidens floated down into the room, carrying baskets, with flour, water, sweetmeats, and all sorts of dainties. They curtsied to the little frog, and got the cake ready in a few minutes; curtsied again, and flew away.

      The next day the three princes brought their cakes to the king. They were all very good; but when he tasted the one made by his youngest son's wife, he exclaimed:

      "That is the cake for me! light, floury, white, and delicious! I see, my son, you have made the best choice; but we must wait a little longer."

      The two elder sons went away much depressed; but the youngest greatly elated. When he reached home he took up his little frog, stroked and kissed her, and said:

      "Tell me, my love, how it was that you, being only a little frog, could weave such a beautiful carpet, or make such a delicious cake?"

      "Because, my prince, I am not what I seem. I am a ​princess, and my mother is the renowned Queen of Light, and a great СКАЧАТЬ