Constitution of Austria. People of Austria
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Название: Constitution of Austria

Автор: People of Austria

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066458843


СКАЧАТЬ 36 [ President, Convocation ]

       Article 37 [ Quorum, Majority, Standing Orders, Publicity ]

       Part C The Federal Assembly

       Article 38 [ Functions ]

       Article 39 [ Chairman ]

       Article 40 [ Resolutions ]

       Part D Federal Legislative Procedure

       Article 41 [ Bills ]

       Article 42 [ Objection ]

       Article 43 [ Referendum ]

       Article 44 [ Constitutional Laws ]

       Article 45 [ Referendum Majority ]

       Article 46 [ Initiative and Referendum Law ]

       Article 47 [ Signatures ]

       Article 48 [ Publication ]

       Article 49 [ Promulgation ]

       Article 49a [ Republication ]

       Part E Participation of the House of Representatives (Nationalrat) and of the Senate (Bundesrat) in Execution by the Federation

       Article 50 [ Treaties ]

       Article 51 [ Budget ]

       Article 52 [ Government Interrogation ]

       Article 53 [ Committees of Inquiry ]

       Article 54 [ Tariffs ]

       Article 55 [ Main Committee ]

       Part F Status of Members of the House of Representatives (Nationalrat) and the Senate (Bundesrat)

       Article 56 [ Independence ]

       Article 57 [ Indemnity, Immunity ]

       Article 58 [ Immunity in the Senate (Bundesrat) ]

       Article 59 [ Incompatibility, Public Employment ]

       Chapter III Federal Execution

       Part A Administration (Title 1 The Federal President)

       Article 60 [ Election ]

       Article 61 [ Incompatibility ]

       Article 62 [ Oath ]

       Article 63 [ Immunity ]

       Article 64 [ Temporary Discharge ]

       Article 65 [ Functions ]

       Article 66 [ Authorization ]

       Article 67 [ Recommendation, Countersignature ]

       Article 68 [ Responsibility ]

       Part A Administration (Title 2 The Federal Government)

       Article 69 [ Government ]

       Article 70 [ Appointment ]

       Article 71 [ Interim Government ]

       Article 72 [ Affirmation ]

       Article 73 [ Deputy Minister ]

       Article 74 [ Vote of No Confidence ]

       Article 75 [ Presence of Government ]

       Article СКАЧАТЬ