The Manufacture of Chocolate and other Cacao Preparations. Paul Zipperer
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Название: The Manufacture of Chocolate and other Cacao Preparations

Автор: Paul Zipperer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066215453


СКАЧАТЬ 2963310·0 3526050·0 3451540·0 3435190·0 France 2174760·0 2340380·0 2318030·0 2044450·0 England 2119071·2 2013204·0 2015947·2 2105152·0 Holland 1073740·0 1122400·0 1221924·9 1582100·0 Spain 610171·2 563682·1 562823·9 658011·3 Switzerland 521840·0 646690·0 712420·0 582050·0 Belgium 301899·7 386168·6 325396·7 455408·1 Austria-Hungary 266850·0 331280·0 347170·0 370730·0 Russia 222768·0 267094·0 247338·0 258806·0

      The relative consumption of coffee, tea and cacao has also inclined in favour of the latter as far as Germany is concerned. According to the 19th. Report of the Association of German Chocolate Makers, No. 7, the imports which passed through the custom-houses of that country, and intended for consumption, figured at the following in tons; though in this connection it is as well to remember that the German ton is about 50 lbs. less than the English.

Coffee Cacao Tea
(raw in bean) (raw in bean)
1886 12 360·5 3 686·7 1618·5
1887 101 833·4 4 295·0 1760·0
1888 114 658·1 4 979·8 1778·4
1889 113 228·5 5 565·1 1875·0
1890 118 126·3 6 246·5 1995·0
1891 125 611·2 7 087·0 2221·0
1892 122 031·9 7 460·9 2479·0
1893 122 190·5 7 960·9 2676·0
1894 122 357·5 8 319·9 2840·0
1895 122 390·2 9 950·9 2544·0
1896 129 896·6 12 209·5 2471·0
1897 136 395·0 14 692·5 2852·0
1898 153 270·4 15 464·9 3661·9

      From the above columns it will be seen that the importation of coffee has only increased 24 percent, that of tea 125 percent, but that of cacao at the surprising rate of 330 percent. A comparison of the totals for coffee, tea and cacao in the years 1886, 1898 & 1906 will make the proportions still more evident.

1886 1898 1906
Coffee 96·0% 89·0% 82·6%
Cacao 2·8% 8·9% 15·6%
Tea 1·2% 2·1% 1·8%
Total 100·0% 100·0% 100·0%

      So that whilst in the year 1886 thirty-five times as much coffee as cacao found its way into Germany, the imports for 1898 were ten, and in 1906 only five and a half times greater in the case of the first named article. It follows that there has been a corresponding increase as regards cacao consumption in Germany. A momentary survey of the graphs in Fig. 5, which we owe to the kindness of Herr Greiert, Managing Director of the Association of German Chocolate Manufacturers, will make this clear to the reader; and the diagram there illustrates the relative growth of cacao consumption in Germany, when compared with other countries. On calculating the quantity of cacao consumed per head of the population, we get a graph (fig. 6) which puts the rapid increases in this direction at a glance.
