The Manufacture of Chocolate and other Cacao Preparations. Paul Zipperer
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Название: The Manufacture of Chocolate and other Cacao Preparations

Автор: Paul Zipperer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066215453


СКАЧАТЬ 647·5 839·4 1199·0 1240·3 1397·7 Ceylon —— 107·4 344·9 350·1 497·7 589·3 588·0 788·0 604·7 East Indies (Dutch) —— —— —— —— —— —— —— 333·4 347·2 Cuba —— 299·8 345·3 144·7 189·0 195·6 —— 331·4 120·6 Samoa —— —— —— 101·3 203·8 140·0 —— 52·9 124·2 Columbia —— 112·6 104·3 52·6 —— —— —— 75·2 66·7 Togo —— —— —— —— 3·7 6·0 —— 15·0 18·6 via The Netherlands 122·1 363·9 357·6 60·9 —— —— —— —— —— via Portugal (probably Thomas) 988·1 1311·4 1349·1 2447·7 1734·9 2853·4 2714·9 103·3 —— Haiti 1796·0 340·4 In conse- quence of tariff struggle —— —— —— —— —— ——

      The consumption of cacao in other civilised countries shows a corresponding increase, although with occasional divergencies and astounding relapses. We give the following table (3) to indicate its progress between the years 1901 and 1908, and to facilitate comparison.

      It must be borne in mind, when making use of this table (specially in connection with Germany) that the falling off in the years 1907–8 is to be attributed to the abnormally bad harvests and consequent increase in prices.


      Table 3. Import or Consumption in the Various Lands in tons.

1901 1902 1903 1904
The United States of North America 2066595·8 2312072·8 2850808·2 3216415·6
Germany 1841000·0 2060170·0 2163440·0 2710140·0
France 1791650·0 1934300·0 2074150·0 2179450·0
England 1890800·0 2038600·0 1868119·2 2054250·4
Holland 1437300·0 1466627·4 1073047·4 1218440·0
Spain 593107·7 925997·6 602675·2 581635·9
Switzerland 436330·0 570700·0 585650·0 683910·0
Belgium 186548·7 227763·3 276779·1 279200·8
Austria-Hungary 168650·0 182010·0 203460·0 251010·0
Russia 190068·0 205570·0
1901 1902 1903 1904
The United States of North America 3523164·5 3794857·5 3752650·5 4261529·3