The Manufacture of Chocolate and other Cacao Preparations. Paul Zipperer
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Название: The Manufacture of Chocolate and other Cacao Preparations

Автор: Paul Zipperer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066215453


СКАЧАТЬ Mass, Ground Cacao shells 165 1196 128 58 125 3430 3519 3694 5219 203b Cacao Powder 6792 8148 6497 6446 2599 3050 1752 2803 3755 204a Chocolate & Chocolate Equivalents 11636 10050 12197 15183 1513 5021 3671 4609 4712 204b Products from Cacao Mass, Cacao Powder, Chocolate and Chocolate Equivalents, Acorn, and Oat cacaos 1239 1281 1258 1140 2027 4260 4439 4555 4964

      The year 1910 brought a total import of 878,413 cwts. of raw cacao, thus overtopping the figures of the previous year, which had created a record with 814,496 cwts., by 64,330 cwts.

      Coming to the geographical distribution, we find that they were imported into Germany in the following proportions, namely:

19101909Comparison with previous years
British West Africacwts.206 180189 686+ 6 494
Port. West Africa (St. Thomas etc.)"239 756181 230+58 526
Brazil (Bahia)"128 760137 396- 8 636
Ecuador (Guayaquil)"97 454101 038- 3 584
Dominican Republic (Samana)"64 93266 210- 1 278
The Rest of British America"21 26640 658- 5 08
Venezuela"40 06836 002−44 26
Cameroon"20 42622 026- 1 420
Ceylon"15 89212 488- 3 402
East Indies (Dutch)"8 8026 772- 2 030
Cuba"2 6103 066- 456
Haiti"3 6762 614- 1 562
Samoa"3 2162 230- 314
Togo"564250- 314

      These figures, which we quote from the Thirty First Year’s Report of the Association of German Chocolate Makers, speak volumes for the recent development of the cacao trade. It is interesting, in view of recent occurrences, to note the quantities despatched from the various places. The importations from St. Thomas, for instance, show a striking increase. They stand at the head of the raw cacao products coming into Germany, with 239,756 cwts., and have pushed Accras down to second place, this variety having failed to maintain its 1909 lead, for 1910 did not add more than 6,496 cwts. to its previous total of 199,686 cwts. Bahias came third, then as now, with 128,760 cwts. This order has not always remained constant, but has suffered considerable deviations in progressive years. We give below a table showing the chief cacao producing lands and their imports into Germany between 1900 and 1908.


      Table 2. Imports in Germany in tons.

1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908
Brit. West Africa Gold Coast (Accra) —— —— 559·1 935·2 1580·9 2775·9 4045·9 6009·2 5752·5
Portuguese West Africa (St. Thomas) 2501·6 3116·0 4069·2 3878·8 4526·6 4259·3 4969·6 5559·9 7303·8
Brazil (Bahia) 3776·8 3239·0 3125·5 2599·8 4130·4 4506·4 6106·1 6937·2 6233·7
Ecuador (Guaquil) 5397·9 4744·8 4728·6 5092·7 5689·8 5350·3 4693·6 4245·0 4123·6
Dominican Republic (Samana) 586·1 1853·0 2448·8 3116·0 4562·4 4514·1 5663·8 4037·4 4574·3
Rest of British North America 1436·9 1195·6 1544·7 1292·3 1851·5 2009·0 2503·6 2293·2 2083·7
Venezuela (Caracas) 1158·5 956·6 893·2 829·4 1280·3 1380·9 1685·9 2365·0 1435·6