The Intelligence of Woman. Walter Lionel George
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Название: The Intelligence of Woman

Автор: Walter Lionel George

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664564924


СКАЧАТЬ Son, if a maiden deny thee and scufflingly bid thee give o'er,

       Yet lip meets with lip at the lastward—get out! She has been there before.

       They are pecked on the ear and the chin and the nose who are lacking in lore.

       "Pleasant the snaffle of Courtship, improving the manners and carriage;

       But the colt who is wise will abstain from the terrible thornbit of Marriage.

       Blister we not for bursati? So when the heart is vext, The pain of one maiden's refusal is drowned in the pain of the next."

      There is a great deal of this sort of thing in Molière, in Thackeray, in Casanova. The old idea of woman eluding and lying; of woman stigmatized if she has "been there before", while man may brag of having "been there before" as often as possible; of man lovelacing for his credit's sake and woman adventuring at her peril.

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