Peter the Priest. Mór Jókai
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Название: Peter the Priest

Автор: Mór Jókai

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066177256


СКАЧАТЬ Father Peter spent whole nights over the thick book, and studied in succession the writings of those who had gone astray before him.

      The little son of the mistress of the castle slept with the monk in one room, but beside the monk, the child must have the Fool too; for he could not go to sleep unless the Fool told him fairy stories, and the Fool well knew how. Often he sat until midnight by the boy's bedside, weaving garlands of the Thousand and One Nights; this gave the monk a chance to study the secrets of the Arabic writing. The young Lord had very bad dreams. He dreamed of the fairies and witches in the fairy tales, and would waken screaming. Often he dreamed with wide open eyes, tried to escape, howled and wept, so that the monk and the Fool had all they could do to quiet him and lull him back to sleep again. And this was continued until early morning, when the boy fell into a deep sleep, and the monk and the Fool could give themselves to rest.

      The monk found his Arabic book of sufficient service in these night watches, but for the Fool wine was furnished as a means of keeping awake. And so they sat through the still nights beside each other at a table; in front of the monk lay the open book and the large inkstand of lead, and before the Fool stood a large pitcher and a tin mug.

      "What would a man say, Monk," said the Fool once, "if he should see us together this way every night? Which would he call the Fool and which the wise man?"

      "He would call you wise, and me a fool."

      "If you would like, I could share my wisdom with you, for my pitcher is full; there is wine in it."

      "I do not drink wine."

      "What have you there in front of you?"


      "And I do not drink ink, but I'll taste your drink; give me some."

      "Ink is not to drink."

      "What is it for?"

      "You see. Men dip quills in it, and write letters with it, and what is in the letters causes greater delight to the human soul than your wine to the human throat."

      "Give me a swallow of it that I may learn its taste."

      "Nobody can give of this drink."

      "Is it frozen?"

      "Yes, just that. It is written in a foreign language that I do not myself understand."

      "You do not understand! and you follow with your finger along the line of those bird-tracks! Then this magic book is of no more value to you than to me. I might just as well sit in your place, and follow with my finger."

      "You are quite right, Fool."

      "Now I'll tell you a thing, and you can make two of it. If I can swallow a little of your drink which you cannot pour out for your own self, then will you taste mine which I do not begrudge you?"

      "I can easily agree to that."

      "Now then, wait a little. Before you came I had a student for companion in these night-watches, who used to work there busily, just where you sit. He was to have taught the young Lord to read and write, but every day he got hit in the head with the inkstand. I watched this foolish student carefully from the other end of the table, and saw that when he took his goosequill in his hand, and began to make all kinds of flourishes that he always worked from left to right, but as I observe your finger you go from right to left, and in that way get everything wrong end to. Now listen, and I will recite you a sweet song:

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