Deadly Games. Steve Frech
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Название: Deadly Games

Автор: Steve Frech

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9780008372200


СКАЧАТЬ the other side of this door, I’m going to find her on the bed, naked, lying on her side, head propped up in her hand. She’ll ask something like “What took you so long?”. That’ll be the extent of our conversation. I’m already anticipating her hungry touch, her skill, and reveling in the abandon that comes from two people who are comfortable with the fact that they are using each other for physical pleasure.

      I push on the door, but it doesn’t budge. She normally leaves it open a fraction of an inch so that she doesn’t have to get up to let me in, but there’s a problem; the deadbolt is engaged.

      What the hell?

      I check the number on the door.

      Yeah, this is room 37.

      I lightly knock.


      There’s no answer.

      Maybe she fell asleep.

      I knock again. No response.

      I take out my phone, dial her burner phone, and press my ear to the door. There’s the sound of a cellphone ringing inside. If she fell asleep, I’m hoping the call will wake her up, even though the knocking should have.

      The call goes to the generic, automated voicemail.

      I glance around. The Seaside Motel is quiet. There’s only the soft buzz of the lamps in the parking lot and the crashing of waves from across the road.

      I’m about to knock again when my phone pings with a text message.

       I don’t want to do this tonight.


      Sorry I’m late, I text back. But it doesn’t have to ruin our evening.

      I hit send.

      I’m too tired, is her reply.

      My thumbs fly across the screen. Okay, but can you please open the door?

      There’s a long pause and then my phone pings again.

       No. Leave me alone.

      Great. She’s having one of those nights, but even on nights that she’s suddenly canceled plans in the past, we’d at least talk for a little bit.

      It’s no good trying to get her to reconsider. She’s made up her mind.

      So, that’s tonight down the drain. It’s a little weird but I’m not gonna waste any more time with this. If it’s not happening, it’s not happening.

      Good night, I text.

      She doesn’t answer.

      Once inside my apartment, I head straight for the bathroom. I hop in the shower, scrub down, towel off, and climb into bed, not a little frustrated.

      She’ll be back at the bar in a week or two, and we’ll pick up where we left off.

      Still, that was odd.

      She’s run hot and cold but that felt different.

      Oh, well.

      As I drift off to sleep, I think about what was behind that door, waiting for me …

      Sitting across from Detective Mendez, staring at these photos, now, I know.

      Even though there is a Post-it Note covering a section of the image, I can see Emily’s face.

      Mechanically and in utter shock, I reach towards the photo.

      “Mr. Davis, I’m sorry but you can’t—”

      I remove the Post-it.

      There’s Emily, just as I had envisioned her, lying naked on the bed, but her throat has been cut by an angry slash across her windpipe. Her lifeless eyes stare up at the ceiling. The mattress is soaked in blood.

      “Mr. Davis!”

      The photo is snatched away but the image is seared into my brain.

      “I’m— I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—” I stammer. “I wasn’t thinking.”

      “It’s my fault,” Detective Mendez says, replacing the photo into the folder. “I shouldn’t have shown you that.”

      While he collects himself, I stare at the other photos which show the rest of the room; there’s her clothes placed neatly on a chair, her purse, keys, and cellphone on the table.

      I’m able to choke down the bile in my throat, but my hands continue to shake. The beads of sweat that popped on my forehead have run down into my eyes. In all of this, there’s this strange thought in my head amidst the chaos that something was wrong about the photos; something other than the woman I was sleeping with lying naked on the bed with her throat cut. Something was missing.

      “Mr. Davis? … Clay?” Detective Mendez asks.

      Of course, I’m going to tell him. I’m going to tell him everything; the affair, the sneaking around, the motels, all of it but with everything that’s happened in the past thirty seconds, I’ve forgotten how to speak.

      Wait. I know what was missing in the photo: Emily’s burner phone.

      I check the photos again, to be sure. There’s no sign of it.

      Which means whoever killed her took it and …

      I suddenly remember the text I received as I was walking down the hall into this room.

      My brain on autopilot, I reach into my pocket for my phone.


      “I’m sorry, Detective. I just need to check something …”

      Detective Mendez may as well be on the other side of the world, and it’s a good thing that my expression is already at “maximum bewildered” because this text message, sent from Emily’s burner phone, has taken what was a surreal situation and turned it into a nightmare.

       Keep your mouth shut or I’ll tell them about the blood in your car, MY SWEET LITTLE CUPCAKE.

      This can’t be happening.

      Another realization causes my stomach to plummet into my shoes: last night, as I stood outside the door of number 37 at the Seaside Motel, it wasn’t Emily that I was texting. It was this guy. He knows who I am. He knows my number … and he knows about “my sweet little cupcake”.

      That’s impossible! It was a joke!

      “Clay? Are you all right?”

      My mind snaps into horrible focus.

      Whoever this is can easily make the cops think I killed Emily. I didn’t, but how can I explain that to Detective СКАЧАТЬ