Pregnant Nurse, New-Found Family. Lynne Marshall
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Название: Pregnant Nurse, New-Found Family

Автор: Lynne Marshall

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781408902332


СКАЧАТЬ pretty right to me.” He tilted her chin and kissed her again. “My name’s Gavin.”

      “I’m Bethany. Beth,” she whispered over his mouth before smothering him with another brain-melting kiss.

      Oh, yeah, she wanted him.

      He hadn’t used the best judgement that night. But he’d had no regrets. Not one. That was, until now.

      She looked different with her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, no make-up on, and baggy uniform scrubs, but she couldn’t fool him. Though nothing like the wild woman he’d encountered a month ago, it was Beth nevertheless. She ignored him, while turning a deep shade of crimson, smiled at her boss, nodding her head as though no earth-shattering recognition had just occurred.

      They were both adults. They’d made a choice to make love without knowing each other. So why did he feel so off balance? Because he’d never done anything as crazy as that before!

      “I need to check Mr Plescia’s arms, then I’ll be right with you.” She flicked her glance away before he had the chance to smile at her, and walked across the room to her other patient.

      This could get awkward.

      He’d hoped he would see her again, but he’d had to leave the party in a rush when his charge nurse, Carmen, had beeped and alerted him that Patrick had been admitted into an ER fifty miles away in Irvine with a full-blown asthma attack. That had been the Saturday night before his ex had left for England—his last weekend of freedom before becoming a full-time father again—and he’d acted like a crazed college student at a frat party. But, damn, he’d been angry with Maureen for pulling another stunt, and nervous about having his son come to live with him, and, well, he’d decided to cut loose. Not much to be proud of.

      After the news about Patrick’s asthma attack, he’d been so distracted he’d forgotten to ask for her full name or to get her phone number. It was an easy stretch to assume she thought he’d used her. In a way he had. He regretfully shook his head. Damn, he was out of practice. The least he could have done was found out where she worked and called her.

      Well, surprise! She worked in Allergy, five stories up from the ER and located in the adjoining clinic wing of Mercy’s large campus.

      Patrick squeezed his hand. “I don’t want to do this test.”

      “We’ve got to find out what keeps setting off your asthma, Patrick.”

      “What if it hurts?”

      “I’ll ask the nurse to be extra-gentle.” The comment seemed to work as Patrick now studied the nurse with his pewter-colored pleading eyes.

      The diminutive allergist nodded her head as she meticulously wrote on a green sheet and signed the allergy testing forms.

      “Beth, do a complete panel and throw in all of the foods we have. I know it’s late, but I’ll be sure you get overtime pay.” She motioned for Gavin and Patrick to sit behind the patient interview counter. “I’ll be in my office.”

      A huge blip crossed Beth’s radar screen. This was the man from the party last month! His eyes had worked better than a hypnotist’s watch while they’d stood assessing each other in the hallway at that resident’s party that night, and she’d definitely been entranced by him. He’d felt so good pressing against her, good height, firm muscles spanning his chest and arms. They’d shared a first and second kiss as if a slow-motion magnet had been between them. And then…

      After a sudden full body blush, her heart sank to her toes, along with all her blood. There he stood, arms folded, long wide stance, narrow hips, his sturdy, muscular frame covered in faded green ER scrubs and a white coat. And how could she forget his close-cropped brown hair? She’d run her hands through it countless times that night.

      Do not blush again.

      They’d made crazy love in a secluded room at the party, and now she couldn’t even tell if he recognized her.

      Gavin had looked surprised when she’d cut him down with her killer glance in front of his son, but that’s what he deserved for not having the decency to remember who she was. It hurt to think she’d been that insignificant to him. But what else was new when it came to the men in her life?

      To his credit, he did look a bit confused. Or chagrined. She should be offended, right? He had been the one to seduce her. She chose to ignore the fact that she’d been a willing and enthusiastic accomplice and had thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.

      He covered her mouth with a soft, warm kiss and teased her with tiny flicks of his tongue that managed to feather all the way down to her toes. She inhaled his steamy breath and parted her lips, tasting spearmint and spirits. And just when she let herself give in, he made an abrupt break away, a decisive look in his eyes. A firm grip circled her wrist. He tugged her down the hall to a room. A bedroom. Woozy from the combination of his mesmerizing kiss and peach daiquiris, she followed, knowing exactly what she was doing.

      Intense, sexy eyes drilled into her when they reached the door. Decision time. Speak now or forever hold her peace. Beth hadn’t felt this alive in years

      Her heart jittered with the memory. A quick reality check helped her realize it was time to “forever hold her peace”. Some things were best left forgotten.

      He hadn’t even asked for her phone number when he’d gotten beeped and had run out on her. How cold had that been? Two could play at this game. If he pretended not to remember her, she’d do the same.

      All business, she ignored Gavin and bent to talk to Patrick. “My name’s Bethany. I’ll be your nurse for the testing today. OK?” She noticed the purple and gold basketball jersey he wore with the number twenty-four on it. “Lakers fan, huh?” The boy’s eyes brightened and he smiled shyly and nodded. “Me, too.” She took his hand. “Is this the shirt you wear when you need a little extra courage?”

      “I guess.”

      “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Follow me.”

      She walked briskly toward the testing area, the boy’s moist, floppy hand in hers, and forced herself to speak in a steady, soothing voice. “So what brings you to the clinic?”

      “I dunno.”

      “When he was a baby he had twitchy lungs.” Gavin broke in. “Then for several years he was fine. Now he’s started with full-blown asthma attacks again.” He looked thoughtfully at his son, as if they both knew when and why the new onset of asthma had started.

      “I don’t want to get tested, Dad.” He squirmed, his face screwed up, and tears leaked from his squinted eyes.

      “Patrick, you can do this, son.” He gently put his hand on the boy’s shoulder.

      “Maybe your father should get tested, too.” She wasn’t above stealth attacks.

      The boy stopped protesting, and looked curiously up at his father.

      Picking up on her suggestion, Gavin cast a wry glance her way and said, “Yeah. Sure. I’ll go through it with you.” Though he lacked obvious enthusiasm.