Weekend With The Best Man. Leah Martyn
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Название: Weekend With The Best Man

Автор: Leah Martyn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474051279


СКАЧАТЬ Nathan decided it was time for some straight talking. ‘I don’t want to be brutal, but it was never going to work after the babies died, was it?’

      ‘Probably not.’ Dan frowned. ‘But she wasn’t even willing to try!’

      Nathan shook his head. They’d had this conversation before—or one similar. ‘Listen, Dan, I’ve known you for a thousand years. It’s in your DNA to be decent and, to use a very old-fashioned word, honourable. But you and Caroline weren’t in love and, believe me, that’s the only reason you should get married. And stay married. For your own sanity, you can’t keep second-guessing all the what-ifs.’

      Dan knew what Nathan said made sense and, God knew, he’d tried to let it go. His mouth gave a wry twist. ‘The last time I spoke to Caroline, she said she’d moved on.’

      ‘Then maybe it’s time you did as well,’ Nathan said frankly. ‘Hey!’ He injected an air of enthusiasm around them and beat a little drum roll on the table. ‘It’s Friday and Sami’s decided we need a night out. There’s a new club in town. Why don’t you join us?’

      Dan’s insides curled. He could think of nothing worse than tagging along with a completely loved-up pair like Nathan and Sami. ‘Thanks, mate, but I’ll be fine. You and your bride-to-be have better things to do—or you should have.’

      ‘Speaking of brides...’ Nathan picked up the pepper mill and spun it between his hands. ‘Sami wants us to wear cummerbunds.’

      Dan snorted. ‘I’d rather shove my head in a bucket of prawns.’ He took a mouthful of water, very carefully replacing the glass on its coaster. ‘I’d probably walk through fire to save your butt, Nathan, but I am not wearing a cummerbund at your wedding.’

      Nathan gave a bark of laughter and confided, ‘Sami reckons it’s modern vintage.’

      Dan looked unimpressed. ‘Tell her the menswear shop in Hopeton have never heard of cummerbunds, let alone stocked them.’

      ‘She said she’d order them online—but don’t panic.’ Nathan held up a hand in a staying motion, deciding to let his friend off the hook. ‘I’ve talked her out of it.’

      ‘How?’ Dan’s interest picked up. From what he’d seen, Sami was one determined lady. In the nicest possible way, of course.

      ‘I had a mental picture of us with bulging satin waistlines and fell about laughing. Sami wasn’t amused. She wrestled me to the sofa and belted me with her slipper. Then she saw the funny side and laughed too.’

      And then they’d probably gone to bed, Dan thought. It was great Nathan was so happy, so...loved. He deserved to be. Dan wondered how long it would be before he had someone special to call his own. Someone to love and who loved him back the same way. Unconditionally. And that was what had been missing with Caroline.

      ‘So it’s sorted, then?’

      ‘It is. When are you coming up?’

      ‘The day before, on the Friday, if that’s OK?’ The couple were being married in Sami’s home village of Milldale, some thirty miles north of Hopeton. The wedding reception was to be held at Rosemount, one of the historic homes in the district that had been revamped into a functions venue.

      ‘Friday’s fine,’ Nathan said. ‘Sami’s booked us into the local pub. My folks are staying there as well.’

      ‘Your meals, gentlemen.’ Leo slid plates the size of cartwheels down in front of them. ‘Enjoy.’

      ‘This looks good.’ Nathan rubbed his hands in anticipation. ‘Dig in.’

      Halfway through their meal, Dan said, ‘When is Sami leaving her job?’

      ‘She has already. She’s going to start up her own business here, a travel agency cum tourist thing. She’s had mega hits on her website already.’

      ‘That’s fantastic. You’re going to settle here in Hopeton, then?’

      ‘Yep.’ Nathan twirled a length of spaghetti around his fork. ‘It’s a good fit for us at the moment. And my job’s safe—well, as far as any job can be these days.’

      Dan’s throat closed for a moment. Nathan’s future seemed secure and...good. If only his own future had a semblance of the same simple expectations attached to it. He shook his head. God, he’d better lighten up, or he’d be like a wet blanket at his friend’s wedding.

      As if he’d tuned into Dan’s thoughts, Nathan said, ‘Have you written your best man’s speech yet?’

      ‘Not yet.’

      ‘Don’t say anything too incriminating that’ll get me hanged, will you?’

      Dan’s mouth twitched. ‘Like the after-rugby parties when we were at uni?’

      ‘You were there too, matey,’ Nathan reminded him. ‘Let’s not forget that.’

      A swirl of emotions juxtaposed in Dan’s head. They had been good times. Uncomplicated. Until life had happened. He swore inwardly. He had to release this choking collar of useless introspection. But it was the day, he justified. The date. The memories. ‘I suppose I could talk about your peculiar eating habits.’

      ‘Like what?’ Nathan gave an offended snort.

      ‘In all my travels, I’ve never seen anyone consume food as quickly as you.’

      ‘It’s a gift.’ Nathan gave a Gallic shrug. ‘What can I do?’

      Dan chuckled. ‘Ratbag.’

      ‘So,’ Nathan asked, suddenly serious, ‘how was it this morning in A and E?’

      ‘I wish you hadn’t asked me that.’

      ‘You didn’t kill anyone, did you?’

      Dan shook his head. ‘Probably worse. I dumped all over the team in Resus and walked out.’

      ‘Crikey. I’ll bet Lindsey Stewart was impressed—not!’

      Dan grimaced.

      ‘Did you apologise?’

      ‘Not yet.’

      ‘Lins has the respect of the whole hospital.’ Nathan looked serious. ‘You’d better do a real grovel. Ask her for a drink after work and do it then. Properly.’

      Dan felt worse and worse. He’d apologise, of course. But ask her for a drink? She’d probably turn him down flat. And he wouldn’t blame her. In the short time he’d been at Hopeton he’d hardly put himself out to get to know her or anyone else. Out of nowhere, Lindsey Stewart’s flashing green eyes seemed to challenge him. And he realised on some basic level that he wanted to get to know her. To break away from the past. He had to turn things around. ‘I shouldn’t have come to work today.’

      ‘Possibly not,’ Nathan agreed. ‘Just fix it, mate. Hopeton’s not so big that bad behaviour goes unnoticed.’
