Christmas With The Best Man. Susan Carlisle
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Название: Christmas With The Best Man

Автор: Susan Carlisle

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474051880



      As if Helena realized she was being watched, she stopped and stared at him.

      “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he said quietly.

      “I need to go in anyway. I’m getting cold.” She put her arms across her chest, closing herself off.

      “Why don’t we finish our dance out here?”

      “I don’t think so.” She sounded so much like a sulking child that Elijah couldn’t help but grin.

      “I didn’t mean to make you mad. I’d really like to finish our dance.” He came toward her and offered his hand. “When will you ever get another chance to dance in falling snow?”

      With her romantic view of the world he was sure he had her with that question. She wouldn’t be able to resist. Seeing her indecision, he smiled. “You know you want to.”

      She hesitated so long he feared he had been wrong about her. Just as he was about to give up she said, “Okay,” and she placed her hand in his. “One dance and I’m done.”

      He took her into his arms and they moved to the low sound of the band inside. It felt good to have her next to him again. Something about it seemed right. The cold had cut through his tuxedo when he’d walked out of the tent but with Helena against him the weather was perfect.

      Elijah led her for a couple of turns around a heater before he said, “Helena, just what did I say that made you so mad back there?”

      “It’s not a big deal. Don’t worry about it.” She made it sound as if it didn’t matter but he was sure it did.

      “I’d like to know.” He stopped moving and looked at her. “We were having a good time then I messed it up somehow. I’d really like to know what I did so I won’t do it again.”

      It took her a good minute to respond. “It’s just that I don’t appreciate you making fun of my hopes and dreams.”

      He looked directly into her eyes. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

      “I realize that now. We just have different views of life.” There was a wistful tone in her voice.

      There was some truth in that. Despite her being a top-notch doctor in a major hospital, there was something innocent and childlike in her outlook. He was definitely jaded.

      “Tell me about yours. What do you want?” He pressed her back, hoping to encourage her.

      “I’ve already told you. I want a husband and children. A place to go home to after work where there’s love and laughter. Security.”

      “Isn’t that a little naive in this day and age?” He led her into the dance again.

      She looked directly at him, missing a step. “I don’t think so. My parents have it. Grace and Charles have clearly found it. I know of others who have, too.”

      Elijah winced. His parents had not.

      “Why’s that so important to you?” He wasn’t convinced it existed.

      There was no time for her to think before she said, “Because of it my parents were able to help me during the darkest time of my life. Because of their love, I felt loved.”

      He used to feel that way. Now betrayal filled that space. “What happened?”

      “Let’s just say that teenage love isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.”

      Helena’s words were flat. She didn’t act as if she wanted to share more. He certainly didn’t either but he couldn’t help saying, “Yet you still think love exists and it’s all wonder and smiles. Like this big show.” He waved his hand toward the tent.

      “Just because I was hurt once, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. For me or for you. It just means that we should be open to it when it comes. Accept it, treasure it and share it.”

      “You really are a believer in fairy tales.” There was more amazement than disgust in his voice, to his surprise. He liked this less world-weary view of life but it wasn’t reality.

      She straightened. “I am.” There was a proud note in her voice.

      He stopped dancing. “I am not. I have no interest in fairy tales or marriage. What I do know is there’s something between us. Something strong that has nothing to do with love. I know I feel it and I think you do to. If you didn’t feel it, you wouldn’t have gotten so mad. But let me be clear, all I’ll ever be interested in is a mutual good time. No attachments. Don’t look to me for the long haul. I’m not your knight on a white charger, or the one who’ll save you from the tower. You’ll need to look elsewhere for that guy.”

      Sadness filled her eyes.

      Elijah lifted her chin with a finger. “But I can promise you one of these as often as you want.”

      His mouth found hers. A small sound of surprise escaped hers before his lips settled completely. Helena’s lips were cold, yet plump and inviting. She stood rigid for a moment before he pulled her against him and teased her mouth. As he did so, she relaxed and slid her hands beneath his lapels to hold the crest of his shoulders. Her fingers curled in as she moaned. The tip of his tongue brushed the line of her lips until she opened. She tasted sweet, like ripe frozen strawberry dipped in champagne. He cupped her cheek, directing her mouth more directly to his as he gathered a handful of her dress and pulled her close. White-hot desire roiled through him.

      Helena came up on her toes, her arms reaching around his neck. Her tongue joined his in an erotic dance like none he’d ever experienced. Heaven help him, Helena was hotter than he’d imagined. They were standing in the snow and cold, and all he could think about was taking her clothes off. Her hands found the nape of his neck and fondled his hair before tugging his head closer. As far as he was concerned, their kiss could go on forever.

      “Uh, excuse me, you two.” Grace’s voice came from the direction of the door.

      How many times had she called?

      Helena immediately let go and pushed away, straightening her dress. His hands went slack at his sides. Yet his fingers itched to touch her again.

      Grace gave them a quizzical look.

      “We need to get a couple of pictures if you two can spare a minute.” Charles’s low chuckle accompanied the statement as he peered at them from his bride’s side.

      “We’ll be there in a sec,” Elijah growled.

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