Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year. Кэрол Мортимер
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СКАЧАТЬ a bond slave. He will dominate and bully you until you are the unhappiest being in the world and he won’t even care.’

      ‘Who won’t care?’ demanded Sir Desmond, returning at that moment. ‘If you are talking of Lady R, then I care very much.’

      ‘Which just proves what we have been saying,’ responded Gwendoline lightly. ‘Men always want the one thing they cannot have.’

      ‘What nonsense are you telling my wife?’ demanded Gideon, coming up while they were all laughing.

      ‘Merely a few home truths, Brother, regarding how best to remain happy.’

      ‘My wife’s happiness is, of course, my chief concern.’ He made her a little bow and held out his arm. ‘Our carriage awaits, ma’am. I think it is time we said goodnight.’

      * * *

      ‘I think that passed off very well,’ he remarked as they drove home through the dark streets. ‘And my sister introduced you to her friends?’

      ‘Yes. Including Sir Desmond Arndale.’ She drew a breath. ‘Is...um...is he her lover?’

      ‘I doubt it, but much of Anthony’s time is taken up with government matters and Arndale is useful when Gwen needs an escort. A harmless fribble.’

      ‘And is Lord Ribblestone jealous of him?’

      ‘Lord, no.’ He turned towards her. ‘Why this sudden interest in Arndale?’

      ‘I am curious to know how married women go on in London.’

      ‘Many of them behave scandalously.’ He leaned closer and reached out to cup her chin and turn her towards him. ‘But I don’t intend to allow you to behave like that, at least only with me.’

      Her heart began to hammer as he kissed her and she raised her hand to touch his cheek, then pulled it back.

      Men always want what they cannot have.

      She must not show him how much she wanted him, yet surely he could hear her heart? She could hardly breathe it was thudding so heavily against her ribs. The carriage began to slow and he raised his head.

      ‘We are home,’ he murmured. ‘Be ready for me tonight. I shall come to your room.’

      * * *

      If Dominique had thought waiting in the drawing room for Gideon to finish his port was nerve-racking, waiting for him to come to her bedchamber was almost unbearable. She allowed Kitty to dress her in one of the soft linen nightdresses she had chosen with Gwendoline, then dismissed her and sat on the edge of the bed with only the glow of the fire and a single candle to relieve the darkness. The trunk she had brought with her from Martlesham was just visible in the gloom and when a sudden flare of the candle flame glinted on its studded lid she went over and opened it, rifling through the contents to pull out a gossamer-thin creation. This is what the unseen and unknown Agnes Bennet would have worn, she thought. But Agnes knew exactly how to tease a man into submission—witness the way she had bewitched Gideon into offering her marriage.

      Put it on, whispered the seductive voice in her head. It will reveal your body and drive him to distraction.

      But Dominique knew her slender form could not compare with the voluptuous curves of Agnes Bennet. Gideon might be disgusted with her—worse, he might even laugh. Quickly she put the wispy confection away again. The trunk must be removed, it was a constant reminder of the woman Gideon had wanted for his bride.

      She heard a soft noise somewhere in the quiet house and ran back to the bed. Straining her ears, she picked up the sound of footsteps getting closer and she clasped her hands together nervously.

      * * *

      Gideon had not entered this bedchamber since he was a child. It had been his mother’s room and, apart from ordering that it was to be redecorated for his bride, he had not given it another thought—he realised a little ruefully that when he had issued those orders he had thought that his wife would spend most of her nights in his bed. But the woman he had envisaged sharing his life with was nothing like the woman he had married.

      Something stirred within him when he saw the pale creature standing before the bed, her hair a dusky cloud around her shoulders. It was not the hot lust of their wedding night, more an urge to protect her, to make her happy.

      ‘I...um...I hope this room is to your liking?’

      ‘Yes, it is very comfortable, thank you.’

      Silently he cursed his awkwardness. This was not a conversation for the bedroom. Why had he come here tonight? He recalled how beautifully she had played at Gwen’s soirée, his pride in her performance, the possessiveness he had felt when the men had clustered round her. A spike of desire coursed through him and he tried again.

      ‘You played like an angel tonight.’ She smiled at that. Encouraged, he moved closer, holding out his hands. ‘I did not know I had such an accomplished wife.’

      Cautiously she reached out for him.

      ‘I am glad that I pleased you, Gideon.’

      ‘You do please me.’ As he pulled her into his arms he realised that he really meant it. ‘You please me a great deal.’

      She looked up at him, shyly accepting his kiss.

      * * *

      Gideon made love to her that night. Dominique returned his caresses but she kept her emotions in check and tried to respond as she thought a wife should, compliant and quietly accepting of his attentions. His lovemaking was gentle and restrained, as if he was afraid she might break beneath him, and although there was none of the hot heady passion of their first coupling, when it was over, Dominique found it immensely satisfying to have him lying with her, to hold him in her arms until he slipped from her bed to make the way back to his own room in the chill dark hours before dawn.

       Chapter Seven

      The following weeks were the happiest Dominique had ever known. Gideon bought her diamonds for her wedding gift and she wore them on almost every occasion. He took her driving in the park and escorted her everywhere, to balls, parties and breakfasts, introducing her to his friends and acquaintances. Whatever the news-sheets might say, he showed no signs of dissatisfaction with his bride, either in public or in private, when he came to her room at night. Dominique loved the special closeness of those nights and although he always returned to his own room before morning, when they met at breakfast, she thought his eyes had an added warmth when he greeted her.

      * * *

      As her confidence grew, Dominique began to make more changes to the Brook Street house. She ordered fresh flowers and arranged them in the hall and in the morning room, which had become her personal domain and where she was in the habit of entertaining her growing number of friends. The silent, tomblike atmosphere lifted, the servants looked happier and even Gideon remarked that the house felt much more like home. They were returning from a drive in the park when he said this and Dominique could not suppress a smile.

      ‘Do you really think so? I am so pleased, because I was afraid you might not want me to change СКАЧАТЬ