Billionaire Bosses Collection. Кэрол Мортимер
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СКАЧАТЬ the letters and memorabilia. It’s up to you and Ryan now. Garrett, too, if you can rope him into it because of Sophia.”

      “I’ll see. So you sent your secretary back to the Dallas office.”

      “Yes. We won’t see each other again. She turned out to be efficient and good, Will. She’s read a mountain of old letters.”

      “I don’t want to shred them. She’s right about a tie to our past.”

      “With time they’ll disintegrate. She copied some of them carefully and put them in a scrapbook between clear acid-free sheets. She said that way we can make copies for family members who want them.”

      “I’m astounded they got through our parents without being destroyed. You know Mom wouldn’t care at all about them. Dad didn’t until the end of his life.”

      “Frankly, I can’t work up a lot of interest.”

      Will chuckled. “So how did she get you to go home for Thanksgiving with her? Is there something going on here that I haven’t been told?”

      “Will, don’t quiz your brother about his personal life,” Ava said, smiling at Will. “Caroline and I will say goodbye. The ribs were delicious and thank you for the gifts. You know we’ll all love everything.”

      “Merry Christmas, Ava,” Zach said, walking her and Caroline outside. “Take care of him.”

      “Merry Christmas, Zach. I intend to,” she answered and waited while he hugged Caroline before the two of them climbed into the limo to wait for Will.

      “So how did your secretary get you to go home for Thanksgiving with her?” Will persisted.

      “I think she’s trying to rescue me. You can’t imagine how sorry she feels for me and how much sympathy I get.”

      “Sympathy.” The word burst from Will and he started laughing. “She feels sorry for you because you don’t celebrate these holidays. Does she know how you live and how much money you spend whooping it up on holidays?”

      Zach grinned as he shook his head.

      “So she made you go home with her for Thanksgiving. Now what in the world incentive did she use to get you to do that?”

      “Mind your own business, Will. And the best possible incentive of all.”

      “I never ever thought I’d see the day.”

      “You haven’t seen it yet. Don’t worry, there isn’t anything serious between us and there won’t be. She is one hundred percent a homebody. I’m almost one hundred percent traveler. That’s not a good fit and we both know it.”

      “Yeah, right,” Will said, smiling. “By the way, you didn’t tell me that she’s gorgeous. I know now why from the first you didn’t want me to get someone else to work for you.”

      “She’s an efficient secretary.”

      “With drop-dead looks. Well, merry Christmas,” Will said, impulsively hugging his brother. Startled Zach hugged Will in return.

      “I think Caroline and Ava are changing you,” Zach said, stepping back. “It’s a good change, Will. None of us wanted to turn out to be like Dad.”

      “Sure as hell not. He was as cold as ice until Caroline came along. She’ll never know how she has affected this family.”

      “All for the better and you’re good for her.”

      “I’m trying. Ava’s the one.”

      “It’s you, too. Don’t sell yourself short,” he said following Will to the limo door. The driver held it. “Merry Christmas, Will. Thanks for my presents.”

      Zach stepped back and watched as the driver closed the door and went around to get behind the wheel. He continued watching the limo go down the drive, but his thoughts were on Emma. Tomorrow he was scheduled to leave for a night in New York and then to Italy. Right now, he didn’t feel inclined to leave Texas. This was home more than Italy. He was comfortable here. He had to admit, he was a lot closer here to Emma than he would be in Italy. If he just had to see her, he could in only a few hours’ time. From Italy, it would be a real trek.

      Jamming his hands into his pockets, he went back to the empty house. How could it seem so big and empty with Emma gone? What was she doing at this moment? Did she miss being with him?

      Inside, he closed the front doors and heard the locks click in place. He stood in the entryway and debated whether to call her. It was pointless, so he went to the office, pausing beneath the mistletoe. He reached up to take down the decoration, turning it in his hands, remembering her kisses. Sex with Emma had been the best ever. Of all women, Emma was the only one who had created sparks the first moment they looked at each other. She definitely was the only one to include him in her family gatherings, the only one to make him rethink his past, the only one he had ever really missed.

      With a sigh he tossed the mistletoe on a table. He didn’t expect her to be back at the ranch ever.

      He didn’t want to go to New York tomorrow. He picked up his cell to tell his pilot they weren’t going until later in the week. He didn’t have to be anywhere at any specific time so there was no rush to leave Texas.

      Tuesday afternoon he didn’t feel any more inclined to leave for New York and Italy than he had on Monday. Even without Emma, he would rather be at the ranch than in an empty house in Italy. He didn’t want to ruin his pilot’s Christmas, just because he didn’t care about his own, so he told his pilot he would stay in Texas until after the holiday. If he decided to go, he could catch a commercial flight. Or just go to New York and spend Christmas there.

      Feeling glum, he reached for his phone to call Emma just to talk. How many times he had done that the past few days, and then decided he wouldn’t call her?

      He was restless and nothing interested him. Emma occupied his thoughts most of his waking hours.

      Startling him, he received a call on his cell phone. Shaking his head, he was tempted to not answer when he saw it was from Will. Afraid it would be an emergency, he said hello.

      “Zach, it’s Will. Where are you? Italy or Texas?”

      Zach swore and gritted his teeth. Will usually didn’t call until Christmas day. “I’m still in Texas, but will go to Italy soon.”

      “I just thought you might still be in Texas. What’s wrong?” Will asked.

      “There’s nothing wrong. Staying here is just easier.”

      “Right,” Will said. “Could it be that you miss Emma? I imagine she invited you to spend Christmas with her family. You could, you know,” Will said without giving Zach time to answer his question.

      “I am not spending Christmas with Emma and sixty other Hillmans.”

      “So then pack and go to Italy. You’ll forget her and get over her.”

      “Thanks. I plan to go to Italy. I’m just not in a rush,” he said, thinking he wasn’t going to get over Emma anytime soon.

      “Well, СКАЧАТЬ