Wedding Party Collection: Proposing To The Planner. Aimee Carson
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       ‘Think Mardi Gras—parades, floats, stalls, fireworks and music…lots of music,’ he called back over his shoulder, encouraging their horses to go faster.

       ‘Mardi Gras is a little out of my range,’ Maxie admitted hanging on for dear life.

       ‘That’s something that can be addressed, surely?’ Diego countered.

       ‘Can we slow down if we’re going to discuss this? It’s hard to talk when my teeth are clattering like castanets.’

       ‘Of course,’ Diego agreed with an amused look. ‘Though all I need to know at this point is do you want the job or not, Maxie?’

       ‘I’d love to pitch for it,’ she admitted. With most of the loose ends tied up here, there was that gap in her schedule.

       ‘I think you can take it you’re the preferred supplier.’

       ‘That’s great.’ She could hardly refuse another big job. ‘I’ve just got one reservation.’

       ‘Name it.’

       ‘Will it include a polo match?’

       ‘Of course.’ Diego laughed. ‘But we’ll handle that. You just have to do everything else.’

       ‘So, let me get this straight. You want me to arrange a charity event in Argentina the same way I’ve handled Holly’s wedding—that is to say by e-mail and by phone?’ She was already setting up the building blocks in her mind, Maxie realised. Apart from her personal concerns she would never refuse to help a worthy cause unless it was absolutely unavoidable.

       ‘I was thinking of something rather more hands-on than that,’ Diego admitted, slanting a look at her.

       ‘Like what?’ Maxie’s antennae were already pinging warnings.

       ‘You’d have to come to Argentina so you can see for yourself what has to be done.’

       Her heart was banging in her chest, and it took her a jolting bounce or two before she was ready to speak. ‘I’m afraid I can’t,’ she said then.

       ‘Why not?’ Diego demanded.

       ‘Because my responsibilities keep me at home—I have a business to run.’

       ‘Which you have proved you can run from anywhere in the world. Argentina is hardly as isolated as this island.’

       And it was a great opportunity. So why did she feel that same shiver of apprehension, as if invisible walls were closing round her?

       ‘You won’t even have to sail a boat to get there,’ Diego was telling her. ‘I’ll fly you there in the jet.’

       ‘How exciting.’ Under other circumstances she might have been overwhelmed by Diego’s offer—but right now? She would be on his territory, and a long way from home.

       But then he hit her with the clincher. ‘Holly will be in Argentina at the same time as you, and as she travels the world with my brother this might be the only chance you two get to meet face to face before the wedding. My family needs you in Argentina, Maxie. And don’t forget I need my therapist,’ he added with a grin. ‘Come on,’ he pressed. ‘Why the hesitation? Is it really so hard to visit Buenos Aires and the pampas and earn lots of money? You can’t let us down,’ he added, baiting her with his dark, intense stare. ‘I’ve told my brothers all about your magic hands and they can’t wait to meet you.’

       Oh, great. The thought of meeting the Acostas en masse was daunting enough without that. Yes, but how many years of fees at the nursing home would a commission like this pay? Could she afford to refuse Diego’s offer if it secured her father’s future?

       ‘You’re making good progress with your riding,’ Diego observed, forcing her back to full attention. ‘I think you’re safe to go a little faster.’

       ‘No,’ she exclaimed.

       ‘Do you mean the riding or the event?’ Diego called over his shoulder.

       ‘I’m happy to accept the job,’ she called back tensely.

       ‘Excellent. I’m sure you won’t disappoint us, Maxie.’

       ‘I never accept a commission unless I’m sure I can exceed a client’s expectations.’

       But this time she might have bitten off more than she could chew, Maxie conceded when she saw the expression on Diego’s face.


      MAXIE felt as if the common sense she had lived by all her life was being jangled out of every one of her bones as her pony picked up speed to keep up with Diego’s stallion.

       ‘You’ll find it easier if you move up and down like this,’ Diego said as he demonstrated a rising trot. ‘Keep it easy and relaxed, Maxie. Roll your hips like me.’

       That settled it. ‘I don’t need to come to Argentina to do this job for you.’

       ‘Of course you do,’ Diego argued firmly.

       ‘But I can organise everything from a distance,’ Maxie protested. Accepting Diego’s invitation would be madness, she realised, trying not to watch his muscular hips effortlessly thrusting back and forth.

       ‘How can you possibly imagine the scale of the celebrations we’re planning unless you come over?’ he said.

       True, Maxie conceded worriedly. So it would have to be a short visit—just long enough to take a look-see and get out with her heart intact. ‘It shouldn’t take me too long,’ she mused out loud.

       ‘Good. I’m glad that’s settled,’ Diego agreed.

       ‘Can we slow down now?’

       ‘I thought you liked speed?’ Diego shouted back.

       ‘I like control better,’ she countered. And right now she was in danger of losing control of both the horse and her life. And that wasn’t a situation she could allow to continue.

       ‘Relax and it will all be fine,’ Diego assured her, reining in alongside.

       Was he talking about the horse or the charity event? But wasn’t she a co-ordinator of fabulous events for other people to enjoy? This job in Argentina would take her business global, providing security for both Maxie and her father. She couldn’t afford to turn it down. She’d call the nursing home as soon as they got back. Depending on the news on that front, she’d make a final decision. Caring for her father always posed a dilemma. If she didn’t travel for her work she couldn’t afford his fees at the nursing home, but when she travelled away from home she felt guilty.

       ‘Stop dreaming, Maxie, and catch up.’

       Diego had stopped beneath the sheltering canopy of a jacaranda tree. The frowzy purple blossom, dislodged by the wind, was drifting round him, creating a deceptively soft СКАЧАТЬ