Dangerous Allies. Renee Ryan
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Название: Dangerous Allies

Автор: Renee Ryan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781472023049



      If Jack didn’t let his ego take over, he could see that her idea had possibilities. Perhaps, under all the layers of subterfuge, they thought alike. Maybe too much alike.

      The woman was proving smart enough and brave enough that if he let down a little of his guard he might begin to admire her. Too risky. Emotional attachments, of any kind, were a spy’s greatest threat. Especially when he had no real reason to trust his partner.

      “Your plan has merit,” he said. “But I only have two more days to get the plans and return to England. With the timeline you presented, there’s no room for mistakes.”

      She nodded. “Then we make no mistakes.”

      “We? Haven’t you forgotten something?”

      Her brows drew together. “No, I’m pretty sure I’ve thought through all the details.”

      “Your mother is throwing the party for the admiral. Your attendance at such an illustrious occasion will be expected. How are you going to pull off the last of our two trips to Wilhelmshaven while at a cocktail party in Hamburg?”

      Her expression closed. “I’ll handle my mother. She won’t even miss me.”

      “And her fiancé? Somehow, I doubt he’ll be so…inattentive.”

      “I’ll deal with him, as well.”

      He gave her a doubtful glare.

      “You’re going to have to trust me.”

      Trust. It always came back to trust. But Jack had lost that particular quality, along with his faith in God, the same night the real Reiter had come for his blood.

      “And if you’re caught tonight?” he asked in a deceptively calm voice.

      “I won’t be.”

      “If you are.”

      She lifted her chin, looking every bit a woman with royal blood running through her veins. “Failure is never an option.”

      Jack’s sentiments exactly.

      If he took out the personal elements running thick between them and ignored the fact that Kerensky was a woman—a woman he couldn’t completely trust—not only could her plan work, but it had a very high probability of success.

      Her voice broke through his thoughts. “It’s getting late. The drive to Wilhelmshaven will take almost two hours each way.”

      He glanced at his watch, looked at her evening gown and jewels then down at his own tuxedo. “We both need to change.”

      “Yes. We’ll take my car, which is still at the theater.” Which they both knew was only three blocks from her home.

      “Right, then. We’ll meet outside the theater at—” he began before he checked his watch again “—0130 hours. I trust that suits you?”

      Head high, she moved to the front door and jerked it open without looking back at him. “Of course.”

      He reached around her and swung the door shut with a bang.

      She spun about to glare at him. “What are you doing?”

      Reminding us both who’s in control.

      With nothing showing on his face, he angled his forearm against the wall above her head and waited until her eyes lifted to his. “I leave the way I came.”

      She took a hard breath but held his gaze. For an instant, he was struck again by her determination and courage.

      The back of his throat began to burn.

      “Then I drive,” she said without blinking.

      “By all means.” He pushed away and headed toward the open window, but then he surprised them both by returning to her and cupping her cheek. “I’m warning you now, Katarina. At the first sign of trouble, we abort. No questions asked.”

      “Whatever you say, Herr Reiter.” The mutinous light in her eyes ruined any pretense of compliance on her part.

      Jack sensed he was in serious trouble with this woman. He had to get matters back in his control. “One more thing,” he said.

      She angled her head at him.

      “Make sure you dress warmly.” He shifted to the window, dipped and then swung his leg over the ledge. “It’s going to be a long, chilly night.”

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