Proposing to the Children's Doctor. Joanna Neil
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Название: Proposing to the Children's Doctor

Автор: Joanna Neil

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781408902271


СКАЧАТЬ thinking they were sitting together having a case conference. Well, you live and learn, don’t you?’

      ‘You certainly do.’ Rebecca gave her a hug and saw her out of the flat a few minutes later, waving as Angie turned at the door. ‘I’ll call you,’ she said.

      Once Angie had gone, Rebecca zipped up her suitcases and then walked desultorily around the flat, checking each of the rooms for any belongings that she might have missed. Just a few minutes from now she would be on her way, too.

      The doorbell rang, and she went out into the lobby to answer it, wheeling her cases along with her. It would be the carrier, arriving to take her luggage to the depot, ready to be sent along to her new home.

      ‘Are you off on a journey of some sort?’ Craig Braemar was walking across the hallway as she headed for the door, and now he stopped and frowned, his gaze tracking her movements.

      She stood very still. So he was still around, up and about early in the day, exactly as he had said he would be. Somehow she had expected him to be lying around, easing himself into the day. ‘Just the cases, for the moment,’ she said. ‘I’ll be following on later.’

      He raised a dark brow. ‘That sounds intriguing.’

      ‘Maybe.’ She saw that he had his overnight bag with him, and it prompted her to ask, ‘And while we’re on the subject, what about you? Are you leaving already? I’ve heard of people doing a moonlight flit, but the rent isn’t that steep, is it?’

      He appeared to be thinking about that. ‘I wouldn’t know,’ he murmured. ‘I haven’t paid any.’

      Rebecca gave him a long look. Why was it she could never tell whether he was joking or being serious?

      So far, he wasn’t turning out to be at all what he’d seemed, and it bothered her that she couldn’t work him out. She decided to give up the attempt and concentrate her attention instead on the man who had come to collect her luggage.

      She signed his paperwork, and checked that the destination was written clearly on his sheet. ‘It’s to go to Islay… you know that, right? I’d hate to get there and find everything has been mislaid.’

      ‘Islay, madam. Yes, that’s definitely what it says.’

      ‘Hmm.’ She looked at him and wondered whether she ought to hand him a tip. Perhaps to be on the safe side…

      The man acknowledged her offering and retreated to his van.

      Turning back into the hallway, she saw that Craig was watching her thoughtfully. ‘Does this mean that you’re off to see your aunt—the lady who was feeling unwell?’

      ‘That’s right. I rang her this morning and she said that she was fine and that everyone is making a fuss over nothing, but that’s my Aunt Heather all over. She’s always been an independent soul. I’ve been reluctant to interfere, but it will be just as well for me to go and keep an eye on her for a while.’

      ‘I think that’s a good idea. Down here, you’re a long way from being able to do anything to help. That’s the trouble with old folk, isn’t it? They say they’re all right because they’re afraid of being a burden, but sometimes you have to read between the lines, don’t you?’

      A small spark of irritation flared in her eyes. Was he implying that she hadn’t been able to do that? What was it to do with him, anyway?

      ‘My aunt isn’t all that old. At least, she doesn’t seem to be. She’s always been active and energetic.’ Why was he so intent on wrongfooting her? She loved her aunt dearly, but he didn’t seem to be taking that on board.

      She had to admit that he’d hit a sore spot, though. Right from the start she’d had misgivings about leaving her home to go and work in Northumberland with her boyfriend. It had only been Ben’s enthusiasm and gentle insistence that had convinced her it had been the thing to do.

      ‘It’ll be wonderful,’ he had said. ‘You’ll be able to work in paediatrics, and I’ll take on the research fellowship. We could buy a house close to the hospital, and it’ll be great for both of us.’

      The doubts had stayed with her, firstly because she had been worried about leaving Aunt Heather behind, despite the fact that her sister was going to be staying around to watch over her for some of the time, and secondly because she had been uncertain about moving in with Ben.

      She’d thought he had been the one for her, but after all was said and done, he hadn’t offered her total commitment, had he? Just an arrangement that had been convenient. And so she had resisted the temptation to move in with him, and that had proved to be a wise decision, hadn’t it, given the way things had turned out?

      ‘I’ve kept in touch with my aunt while I’ve been away,’ she said now. ‘And I’ve been home to see her a few times. It’s not as though she’s been abandoned.’

      Craig studied her, a flicker of scepticism in his expression. ‘You don’t have to convince me,’ he said. ‘She’s not my aunt, so it hardly matters to me. I just happened to remark that it looks as though you must have decided to go back to her.’

      ‘Yes, well, that’s true, I have.’ She frowned. ‘There are actually lots of things that I need to do, and I ought to leave right now,’ she told him. ‘I’m due at the hospital in twenty minutes.’

      He nodded. ‘Me, too. We could walk there together, if you like.’

      She frowned, taken aback by what he had just said. He’d only stayed here for two nights, and now he was off to the hospital with his overnight bag. Was it possible that she had added two and two together and come up with the wrong answer? Was he ill? Had she completely misjudged him?

      She looked again at the bag he was holding. ‘Are you going to be staying at the hospital?’ she asked. He looked as though he was in perfect health, in the prime of his life, in fact, a thirtysomething example of vigorous masculinity, but that didn’t necessarily have to mean that he didn’t need treatment of some kind, did it? A warm flood of guilt raced through her from head to toe.

      ‘No,’ he answered slowly. ‘I wouldn’t have thought I would be there for too long. Just the time it takes to sort things out.’

      ‘I’m sorry—of course it’s none of my business.’ It was dreadful to think that she might have been imagining him as some kind of drifter when all the time he was ill and preparing for a stay in hospital.

      He looked at her in a slightly perplexed fashion for a moment or two and then opened his mouth as though he was about to say something, but she swivelled around and headed for the door of her flat, saying hurriedly, ‘I’ll just go and check that everything’s in order before I lock the place up. Then I’ll be ready to walk with you.’

      She was back by his side within a moment or two, and they left the building together.

      The block of flats was a ten-minute walk away from the hospital where she had worked for the last couple of years, and now, as she shut the main door behind her for the last time, she looked back with a feeling of sadness mingled with expectation. The island home of her youth beckoned her, but at the same time she was leaving behind friends and colleagues, and that was a painful experience.

      ‘How is it that you have to go in to work if you’re СКАЧАТЬ