Cowgirl for Keeps. Louise M. Gouge
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СКАЧАТЬ you’ve grown even more beautiful since last fall.” Father placed a kiss on her cheek and then held her at arms’ length. “How was your trip?”

      “See here.” Mother pushed herself into the mix to embrace Rosamond, her fragrant rosewater perfume sweetening her welcome. “I want my hug before we talk about the trip.”

      One by one, her brothers, Nate, Rand and Tolley, greeted her with eager embraces and teasing words. The crowded platform grew chaotic as other passengers connected with loved ones and gathered luggage. Lifting a prayer for Beryl, Rosamond waved to her friend, who was whisked away by two of her four sisters.

      “Colonel Northam, I presume.” The dark-haired Englishman approached Father, hand extended.

      “Garrick Wakefield.” Father pumped the man’s hand with enthusiasm. “Welcome to Esperanza. I see you’ve met my daughter.” He brought Mother forward. “Charlotte, may I present Mr. Wakefield, Lord Westbourne’s nephew and representative?”

      An indescribable sensation charged through Rosamond. What on earth was happening? Had the haughty Englishmen come to see Father? To do some sort of business with him? She glanced toward her brothers, but only Tolley looked her way, edging closer and putting an arm around her waist.

      “Who’s the dandy?” The annoyance in his voice echoed her own feelings, and she responded with a shrug.

      “Mrs. Northam.” Mr. Wakefield, all deferential now, kissed Mother’s hand and then brought his blond friend forward. “Mrs. Northam, Colonel Northam, may I present Percy Morrow, my cousin. He accompanied me to your beautiful country.”

      So now it was a beautiful country, not a wasteland? While the blond man spoke pleasantries to her parents, Rosamond rolled her eyes. Tolley snickered. How interesting that friendly Mr. Morrow was stuffy Mr. Wakefield’s cousin. The two couldn’t be more different.

      “How did you and Rosamond meet?” Father put an arm around Mr. Wakefield’s shoulder as he would Nate or Rand. The Englishman squirmed a little.

      “Actually, sir—”

      “Gracious, Father.” She leaned into her younger brother’s comforting shoulder. “I haven’t met this gentleman. With no one to introduce us, propriety prevented our meeting.”

      Her two older brothers howled with laughter.

      “My, my,” Rand said. “Our little cowgirl’s become all sophisticated.”

      “Do you suppose she’s forgotten where she came from after two and a half years in that highfalutin eastern school?” Nate, the oldest, nudged Rand. “We’ll have to remind her.”

      “Never you mind.” Rosamond would enjoy their teasing much more if Mr. Wakefield weren’t watching with such an interested—or should she say, an appalled—expression. “Just wait. You’ll see I can still keep up with the likes of you.”

      “That’s enough foolishness.” Father beckoned to her and draped his arm around her shoulder. “Rosamond, may I present Mr. Garrick Wakefield. I met his uncle, Lord Westbourne, when your mother and I were in Italy last year. The earl’s sent Garrick to build that hotel Esperanza’s needed. Since this will be a joint business venture, you’ll be working alongside Garrick to see everything’s done right.”

      She heard Father order her brothers to collect her trunks. Heard Mother chattering about a special supper at the ranch. But Rosamond could only stare at Mr. Wakefield while he stared back at her, obviously every bit as shocked as she was over Father’s unexpected announcement. Work alongside this pompous Englishman? Never in a million years. But when Father gave an order, not one of his children ever succeeded in dissuading him from his purpose.

      To Garrick’s shock, Miss Northam’s horrified expression conveyed only disdain for him. While Colonel Northam walked away to welcome the lawman who’d traveled with them, Garrick scrambled to recall any way by which he might have offended the young lady. Perhaps Percy could help him.

      Percy, however, had located their valets and, with the help of the three Northam brothers, was seeing to their luggage. Each cowboy effortlessly carried a trunk to a nearby wagon, an impressive feat. Or should he refer to them as ranchers instead of cowboys, since they were sons of a landowner? In England, such an erroneous form of address could cause severe embarrassment, even censure if a person of influence took offense at the misnomer. No doubt these Americans had a similar custom, even in their uncivilized land.

      Ah, that was it. In the Denver train station, Miss Northam must have overheard him disparaging her country. Even before meeting her, he’d destroyed every chance of obtaining her good opinion. And her father expected him to work alongside her, to actually consult with her? With her aloof disposition and his plans already well-formed, that would be disastrous.

      Apparently unaware of his daughter’s or Garrick’s chagrin, Colonel Northam sent his son Nate to show the lawman around the town. Equally unaware, Mrs. Northam gave instructions as to which conveyance each person should ride in to the ranch. Rand drove the box wagon with Garrick’s valet beside him and Percy’s valet perched precariously on a trunk. A third brother, whose name Garrick couldn’t recall, rode on horseback. Colonel and Mrs. Northam took the front seat of a surrey while Miss Northam squeezed in between Garrick and Percy in back.

      Glancing around, Garrick observed the nearly empty station platform. Only the harried mother from Denver remained with her children. She and Adam appeared to be searching for someone. Garrick prayed their person would arrive soon so the poor woman could get some assistance. Again, circumstances prevented him from helping, but Adam held little Jack’s hand firmly, so Garrick dismissed his fears.

      They drove down the street—a lofty term for these dusty roads—with Colonel Northam pointing out various establishments: the general store, the new jail, the bank, a café. “And that’s the site of the hotel.” He swung out one arm in a grand gesture, as though showing off an elegant manor house.

      All Garrick saw was a large, roped off plot of grassless land, large stacks of wood and what appeared to be building supplies under canvas tarpaulins. “Ah, very good, sir.” At least the plot was a decent size. With no close buildings to limit expansion, perhaps they could purchase more property nearby. After all, they’d need outbuildings such as a stable and a laundry—mundane things Garrick had never thought of before Uncle handed him this assignment.

      The Colonel’s tour over, he turned the horses down a southbound highway and began to speak quietly to his wife.

      The cozy seating arrangement would have been decidedly pleasant if not for Miss Northam’s stiff posture and the firm line of her full lips. Again she reminded Garrick of his formidable governess. But should they come into conflict over the hotel, he would not defer to this American miss as he had to Miss Shaw. Perhaps, now that they’d met, he should take a reading of her amenability by engaging her in chitchat.

      Percy spoke first. “I say, Miss Northam, do you suppose your friend is well?”

      She scolded him with a frown and a quick shake of her head and then spoke in a bright tone. “Indeed she is. Her sisters brought her mare so they could race home. She always finds a brisk ride exhilarating.”

      “Ah, very good.” Percy relaxed. “I enjoy a brisk ride, as well.” He gazed off thoughtfully, and Garrick could well imagine he was devising СКАЧАТЬ