In the Enemy's Sights. Marta Perry
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Название: In the Enemy's Sights

Автор: Marta Perry

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781408966136


СКАЧАТЬ you kidding?” Jay had lost the bored expression that was becoming habitual. “I know who he is. Major Kenneth Vance. He’s an Air Force pilot.”

      The aliveness in Jay’s eyes startled her. It was the most interest he’d displayed in anything other than the gang of older kids he kept trying to impress.

      That gang and their leader, Theo Crale, was the main reason she’d taken an interest in the boy. If she could keep Jay out of a street gang and keep him in school, he might have a decent future. Given Jay’s unexpected enthusiasm, Ken’s presence could be an incentive to keep Jay interested in working for her.

      “That’s right,” she said. “He’s helping out here while he’s home on leave. Ken, this is Jay Nieto. He’s been giving me a hand with the training.”

      “Nice to meet you, Jay.” Ken held out his hand and Jay took it, color deepening in his thin cheeks.

      “You graduated from the Air Force Academy, didn’t you? There was a piece in the paper about you when—” He stopped, obviously embarrassed at having made reference to Ken being shot down.

      “That’s right.” Ken’s smile was a bit strained, but probably Jay didn’t notice. “Are you interested in going to the Academy, Jay?”

      Jay’s face turned wooden, and he shrugged, his gaze dropping to his sneakers.

      She knew that look. She should. It was one she’d worn often enough when she was a teenager, afraid to reach for what she wanted.

      “Jay, it’s okay to dream big,” she said gently.

      He shrugged again. “School’s for wimps, that’s what Theo says.”

      “Theo’s wrong.” She wanted so much to make him believe that. “Doing well in school opens doors for you.”

      “Maybe I don’t want doors open.” Jay flung his head back defiantly, jet-black hair falling in his eyes. “Maybe I’d rather do things my way, not yours.”


      But he swung around and darted off, not even waiting to finish the cleanup work and be paid.

      Ken looked after him with raised eyebrows. “Tough guy.”

      “He’d like to make you think so.” She wondered how much to say to him. If she opened up a bit, maybe he’d be willing to take an interest in the boy. “My grandfather knew Jay’s family when he lived in New Mexico. Jay is Zuni, like us. When his mother died, his dad moved here, but Jay’s had a tough time adjusting to life away from the Pueblo.”

      “So you’re trying to help him.”

      She shrugged. “I remember what it feels like—not belonging. Unfortunately, Jay’s trying to impress the wrong people.”

      “That Theo he mentioned?”

      “He won’t get anything but trouble emulating somebody like Theo Crale.” She gave him a challenging look. “Now, if he had someone else to look up to, someone he admires—”

      Ken’s expression turned bleak, his brown eyes seeming to darken. “Not me,” he said harshly. “He admires someone who can fly. And that’s something I may never do again.”

      The only light in the abandoned tunnel came from a battery lantern on the rickety table, and the woman picked her way across the littered tunnel floor carefully. She wasn’t about to ruin a new pair of Italian shoes just because he had summoned her.

      Most people had heard rumors of the tunnels that had once run from The Springs to what had then been Colorado City, the rowdy, wide-open town in frontier days. Colorado City had long since been absorbed into Colorado Springs proper, and the tunnels forgotten, until he had found a use for them. That was like him, to take something and pervert its ordinary purpose to something bent.

      She stopped at the table. He’d have heard her come down—he had ears like a fox.

      “Stop playing games and come out here. I don’t have much time.”

      A footstep grated, and he appeared in the archway. “You always have time for me, don’t you, querida?”

      She forced a smile, trying to show an affection she didn’t feel. “You sound even hoarser than usual. These tunnels aren’t good for your throat.”

      “Yet another thing for which I have to thank the Vances and Montgomerys. Making me hide like a rat in these tunnels, while they live the high life.” He yanked out a chair and slumped into it. “I understand Kenneth Vance is back in town.”

      “So I’ve heard.” She said the words cautiously, not wanting to stir his icy rage to life. He’d been livid at the failure of the attack he’d engineered on Vance’s plane through his drug contacts in South America.

      “These Vances have more lives than a cat. Just like my new name.” He gave a bark of gravelly laughter. “Funny, isn’t it?”

      “If you say so.” She shifted position, careful not to touch the dusty table. “You have something you want me to take care of?”

      “Yes.” He slapped his palms down on the tabletop. “Kenneth Vance is about to discover that Colorado Springs is just as dangerous as his missions over South America. And since he’s spending so much time there, it will be a pleasure to bring Montgomery Construction down with him.”

      She knew better than to argue, or to wonder how he knew so much about what Kenneth Vance was doing. He had his methods, and he didn’t tolerate disagreement with his plans.

      “What do you want me to do?”

      “Step up the vandalism—not enough to make the police take notice, just enough to make them nervous. I don’t want a full-scale investigation at this point. You can use that fool O’Brien.”

      “He’s getting scared. The police are paying too much attention to him.”

      He glared at her. “He’ll do as I say if he knows what’s good for him. So will you.”

      She shrugged. “Of course. Don’t I always? I just don’t see the point of breaking windows and painting on walls.”

      “I told you. Make them nervous. Make them wonder. And then, just when the Montgomerys and Vances think success is within their grasp—” He slammed his palm down on the tabletop again, so hard it shuddered. “Then we finish them.”

      “When did you find this?” Ken barked the question at the night watchman.

      Frank Collins bent, his belly straining over his belt buckle as he planted hands on his knees and stared at the slashed tires on the truck. “I told you. Around six this morning.”

      “Why didn’t you call anyone then?”

      The man shrugged. “I didn’t figure there was anything you could do about it then. I might as well wait until you got here.”

      “That’s not your decision to make. You should have reported.” He gritted his teeth. It probably would СКАЧАТЬ