Eat a Bowl of Tea. Louis Chu
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Название: Eat a Bowl of Tea

Автор: Louis Chu

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: История

Серия: Classics of Asian American Literature

isbn: 9780295747064


СКАЧАТЬ the letter until early in the morning, after the mah-jong game had broken up. It was from his wife, Lau Shee, in Sunwei District, Kwangtung Province, China. Even before he opened the letter he was sure he knew what was in it. It was the same old story. Money. For what other subject could there be? His letters from China had been infrequent, partly because he neglected to write home.

      To Wah Gay’s surprise, this letter mentioned a new matter: The return of their son Ben Loy to Sunwei to get married.

      He began to read:

      Dearly beloved husband … as if I’m talking to you face to face. More than twenty springs have passed since you left the village. Those who go overseas tend to forget home and remain abroad forever. I hope my husband is not one of those. Ben Loy is now a man. It is your responsibility to see that he comes home and makes himself a family. Many veterans are now returning to Sunwei to take a bride.… When you were home you spoke of acquiring a parcel of land between our vegetable garden and the well.… Hope your business will be successful enough to permit you to accompany Ben Loy home for a brief visit.…

      Wah Gay lay alone and pensive on his folding bed, only an arm’s reach from the old-fashioned sink that stood against the wall near the doorway. Privacy from the rest of the room was afforded by a wooden partition which reached to the ceiling. A small oblong table stood at the foot of his bed. The mah-jong players had gone. He was all alone now. Each time he had received a letter from his wife he began to relive the past. He knew it was not right to let the old woman stay in the village by herself. He often wondered, during lonely moments, if perhaps some day he and Lau Shee would have a joyous reunion. His mind began to wander to the clouds.…

      … Twenty some springs. It was in 1923 that he went back to China to get married … this is the year 1948. Twenty-five springs to be exact, since I left the village. Ben Loy will be twenty-four soon. Those who go back are always the same ones. Thrifty, stay-at-home laundrymen. Every three or four years they go back. Come back and work a few more years and they would be on their way again. The little old woman … she is a kind and good wife. Heh heh, I guess she now wants to become a mother-in-law. Women are like that. They all do. When they have a son eighteen or so, you can’t keep them from wanting to become mothers-in-law. After daughter-in-law there comes grandson. Heh heh, or they want a granddaughter. But they all prefer boys. Elder brother in Chicago has two grandsons. Women are like that. They want to become grandmothers.…

      Wah Gay reread the letter again: Dearly beloved husband …

      That night Wah Gay found it difficult to sleep.


      The following afternoon, when Wah Gay got up at one o’clock, Lee Gong was already there rattling the door knob trying to get in.

      The proprietor unlocked the door. “So early today?”

      “Yes. I couldn’t get any sleep last night.”

      The two had been friends for many years. Up till ten years ago, they had been friends who rarely saw each other. Wang Wah Gay, after a short stay in New York, had gone out to Chicago, where he became co-owner of the New Canton Restaurant on North Clark Street with his elder brother Wang Wah Lim. Elder brother Lim was in charge of the kitchen; while little brother Gay, because of his greater knowledge of the English language, was a combination manager-cashier-waiter.

      On the other hand, Lee Gong’s only contact with the restaurant business had been a short three months spent as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant on 59th Street. This was when he first had arrived in New York from China and the restaurant since then had changed hands many times.

      “I didn’t get much sleep either,” said Wah Gay. “What was the matter with you? Why didn’t you get any sleep?”

      “That … that young man who was here yesterday,” Lee Gong sat down on the sofa and lit a cigarette, “I forgot to ask you his name.” He tried to make it sound casual.

      “You mean the one who brought me the letter?”

      “Yes, that’s right,” Lee Gong said impatiently.

      “That was my little boy.” Wah Gay tried hard to keep from laughing out loud. “Come to think of it, it was the first time he has been here.”

      Lee Gong knew that his friend Wah Gay’s son had arrived in this country a few years ago. Other than that he knew nothing. And he had had no reason to want to know more. In spite of the many letters he had been getting from his wife, Jung Shee, in China, urging him to find a suitable husband for their daughter Mei Oi, who was of a very marriageable age—just eighteen—Lee Gong had been of the opinion that his daughter was still young and there was plenty of time to find her a husband.

      His many years in America had made him frown on the customary early marriages in China. During idle discussions at the Money Come, Lee Gong had often spoken out against early marriages and dependence upon the support of the parents. While he had expected Jung Shee to keep harping at him to search for a husband for Mei Oi from the Golden Mountain, he had paid little attention to these letters until yesterday, when he saw the young man whom he suspected was Wah Gay’s son.

      “How many years has he got?” he pursued in earnest.

      “This year he is twenty-four.”

      “A very commendable boy.”

      Wah Gay was not born yesterday. The moment Lee Gong mentioned Ben Loy he knew what his old friend had in mind. But he didn’t want Lee Gong to know that he knew. He was rather proud of his son Ben Loy. He had kept him on the straight path. Any girl would be lucky to have his son for a husband.

      “Where does your boy work?” pursued Lee Gong.

      “Ben Loy is working in Stanton, Connecticut, at the China Pagoda.”

      It was almost two o’clock now and Money Come soon had enough players to start a game of mah-jong.


      The China Pagoda in Stanton had the biggest sign on Atlantic Avenue.

      Ben Loy had worked there for two years before he was inducted into the army. After his discharge from military service in 1947, he had returned to work at the China Pagoda, where his cousin, Wang Wing Sim, was manager.

      The restaurant was owned by Wang Wing Sim’s father, Wang Chuck Ting of New York, who had been president of the Wang Association for twenty consecutive years and was formerly a president of the Ping on Tong. In addition to the China Pagoda in Stanton, Mr. Wang owned the Blossoms Tea Garden at Lexington Avenue and 54th Street, the Wing Shew Herb Company on Mott Street, and the New Republic Noodle Manufacturing Company in Philadelphia. There were other businesses in which he had an interest but did not operate or control.

      Wang Chuck Ting and Ben Loy’s father, Wang Wah Gay, were born and grew up together in Sun Lung Lay village back in the old country. When Ben Loy had come to New York from his native village in 1941, when he was seventeen, his father had talked to Chuck Ting about a job for Ben Loy in his restaurant in Stanton as soon as the boy had had a year of schooling.

      “Working in a small town will be good for him,” Wah Gay had confided to Chuck Ting, who had nodded in agreement. “A big city is too full of temptations. You can never tell what will become of a young man like Ben Loy in New York.”

      For one year Ben Loy had attended P. S. 23 and lived at the СКАЧАТЬ