Stop the Fear: Learn to Stop Anxiety Panic Attacks and Take Control of Your Life. Jamie JD Richard
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Название: Stop the Fear: Learn to Stop Anxiety Panic Attacks and Take Control of Your Life

Автор: Jamie JD Richard

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781456612078


СКАЧАТЬ in public (which will have its own section); this is an anxiety that can cause its sufferers to feel trapped in their own houses because any human interaction can cause them extraordinary bouts of anxiety or a panic attack.

      This is a self-cycling disorder because each time the person attempts to overcome it and fails; it only builds up as such a huge failure on their part that it makes them twice as anxious the next time they have to be in a social situation.

      They have such a distorted view of their perceived “mistakes” when in public that they find it difficult to overcome them, even though they usually have not made any mistakes at all, it is often just in their head that they have.

      Situations that can trigger social anxiety include:

      Having to give a report in class or speak at a meeting – rather than voice their opinions a person with social anxiety will remain quiet

      Any situation where attention is called to them

      Asking questions of others or when others ask them questions

      Meetings and conferences

      Having to eat or drink in a group setting

      Working as a group

      Using public restrooms

      Talking on the phone to people that they do not know

      Any interaction with people, such as parties, dates, even informal get togethers.

      Some symptoms include:

      Panic attacks

      Intense feelings of anxiety and panic

      Tendency to avoid any and all social situations

      Upset stomach, blushing, shaking, sweating, confusion, palpitations

      Stage Fright (Performance Anxiety)

      This is a very common problem, a great deal of the population would rather have a root canal than have to stand in front of a group of people and have to either perform or talk.

      If your job requires you to have to go out and give seminars and talks and you have performance anxiety, unless you get it under control, you can end up in trouble at work.

      If you are good at sports but are crippled with performance anxiety, you are not able to do what you love; same with actors or dancers and any number or artists who have a talent but are limited by stage fright.

      Symptoms can include:

      Dry mouth

      Rapid heartbeat


      Sweaty hands

      Nausea or butterflies in your stomach

      Trouble seeing

      Fast, shallow breathing

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