The Ride. Tom Ph.D. Anderson
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Название: The Ride

Автор: Tom Ph.D. Anderson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Научная фантастика


isbn: 9781456603038


СКАЧАТЬ three hearts in front of them and made the signal that these three kills were mine.

      Five setti accounted for and seven to go. I hadn’t gone very far when I heard the low tapping of setti feet in the distance. Louder and louder, they were running for me as if they wanted to end this. There were five of them and I was praying for the click that would begin The Ride so I could go from participant to spectator. They were much too close when it clicked in.

      The Ride moved to barely avoid the spines of the nearest setti and moved close in so my body could strike. Slime covered arm and heart in hand The Ride moved to barely avoid the other four. Again my body struck and there were three. Avoiding the spines of all three The Ride moved so one setti was between me and the other two. My body struck and there were two.

      When The Ride moved next there was no need for my body to plunge my arm in to pull out a heart. The setti I was nearest to fell to pieces as the last setti sliced it apart the better to get at me. The Ride didn’t move fast enough that my body was totally missed, but the spine was only able to cut through clothing and a thin layer of flesh as The Ride moved away. The Ride moved again and my body struck. Heart in hand, but covered head to toe in setti slime, I was in control again.

      I had only two to go. One at a time I dragged the four setti shells and the largest piece of shell from the fifth setti in front of the nearest point recorder. I signaled with hand and head movements that one of the setti had been killed by another setti, but the other kills were mine.

      As I walked along I followed the trail of setti slime. I was tired, the setti slime I was covered in was beginning to dry, and I earnestly hoped the last two setti had been wounded and were already dead.

      Half my wish came true. I came upon one setti shell lying on the ground and the last setti standing over it. The setti made an earth shattering roar and charged me. It was the first noise a setti had made other than the tapping of their feet and the wiz as a spine sliced through the air. It didn’t matter. The Ride began. I watched as my body moved, struck, and heart in slime covered hand The Ride was over.

      I looked at the setti that had roared at me. To have a setti roar at you is considered to be an almost magical event. This was the Setti I would harvest my belt from. I pushed my hand into the soft flesh and pushed apart the cords of muscle surrounding the base of the spine. I pulled on the spine and it came out easily as if the setti were making a gift of it to me. I measured the spine around my waist and used the belt cutter to cut the spine to the proper length. I saw the blue center of the spine at the fresh cut. I used the tip of the belt cutter to slice my finger and let several drops of blood fall on that center until it turned the red color of my blood. After removing my shirt I wrapped the belt around my waist just below my ribcage. The weakness that swept over me as the belt began to feed caused me to fall to my knees. The weakness passed and I felt the belt’s power surge into me. The belt was part of my life now. We would learn from each other.

      I walked out of the mine wearing my new setti spine belt. There were hundreds of Kinzu waiting for me on the hillside and the thunderous chant of their cheers shook the ground. I was picked up and carried to the Great Hall. Everyone wanted to shake my hand and slap me on the back.

      To kill so many setti alone, even with a force rifle, would have been an amazing feat. To kill that many setti with bare hands was a feat for the ages. I was in danger of being torn to pieces. Everyone wanted to touch me, to have some of my magic rub off. I had never felt like a hero before. I was soon surrounded by guards for my own safety.

      My trip home was arranged by Merritt. At door of the small star transport Merritt gave me a hug. “Bob I’m not coming with you on this trip. I have hired a team of women to take care of you on your way back. They come very highly recommended. You need to rest and relax and consider your future.” As Merritt turned to leave a woman took my hand and pulled me into the transport.

      As the other women walked in the room they all radiated sexual prowess. They lined up in front of me. The six women dropped their dresses and stood before me completely naked. They were all about the same height and they all were large breasted. Each girl’s breasts were shaped differently, but all of their breasts were incredibly beautiful. The first had long, thick, shiny, night black hair, and an exotic face. “My name is Victoria,” she said as she pulled me close and kissed me. The second had multi-shaded, thick, blond hair and a cheerful, sunny face. “My name is Suzanne,” she said as she took me in her arms and kissed me as well. The third had long, auburn hair, and glowed with assurance that this would be the best trip of my life. “My name is Shay,” she said as she held my hands and carefully took my lips in hers. The forth had short, shiny, night black hair with thick bangs down past her eyebrows. “My name is Ayana,” she said as she grabbed me tightly and sent her tongue deep into my mouth. The fifth woman had full, shoulder length, dark brown hair, and a quiet confidence about her. “My name is Patricia,” she said as she held my head in her hands and kissed me gently. The last had long, well cared for, light brown hair, and a face that shined with her desire to make me happy. “My name is Marlena,” she said as she held me tight and brought her lips very close to mine and waited for me to kiss her. When I did, Marlena encouraged me to send my tongue into her mouth for a moment before she pulled away and gave me a loving smile.

      Victoria took my hand and spoke for them all. “We are here for your pleasure. Trust us. We will see to your every need.” I knew I had been drugged, possibly with something on their lipstick when they kissed me, but they were all so beautiful I didn’t care. It was a great trip. My every desire was met immediately. If I was thirsty a glass of something delightful and refreshing was there for me. If I was hungry just the right snack was produced. If a woman’s lips or breasts or hair caught my eye, without a word being spoken, she came over to play with me. Victoria was the first of them to make love to me. We kissed and caressed and when I was ready she mounted me. After Victoria pulled my orgasm from me, I fell asleep in her arms. I woke to find Patricia and Marlene on either side of me. They were wide awake and smiling at me, eager to help me start the day.

      My days were filled with shapes and colors and sounds and visiting places that had been lost to the dusts of time or fairyland places that I knew could never have existed. The days went by far too quickly. Each night a different woman would make love to me. Each morning two different women would be on either side of me when I woke up to help me start another perfect day. I was never allowed to do anything but lay back and enjoy myself. After that first day the only time I had all six girls in the room with me at the same time was when they attached my setti spine belt to me so it could feed. They seemed to know more about my belt than I did. While my living belt was taking its nourishment from me they all caressed and softly sang to me. There were no words, only soft restful tones. After they removed the setti belt, they all left except one of them who stayed to make love to me,

      All too soon the star transport landed on the planet Market and it was time for them to leave me. Victoria again spoke for them all. “We have all enjoyed our time with you, but it is time to say goodbye.” Victoria had me lie on the floor on my back. She leaned over and kissed me gently. Then she threw her leg over my face so her vagina was spread over and almost touching my nose. Victoria waited until I took a deep breath. “Remember me,” she said softly. Then Victoria pulled her leg back and was gone as Suzanne took her place. Each woman kissed me, then threw her leg over my face and waited for me to take a deep breath before she asked me to remember her.

      Shay was the last girl in the room. She didn’t bend over to kiss me. Shay pulled me to my feet. “Bob, we feel that we have a duty to help a man back into the real world after he has spent time with us. One of us stays behind to let our client make love to her where he is the one in charge.” Shay smiled at me differently than she had ever smiled at me before. “We had a contest and I won,” she told me. As my head cleared, Shay transformed from being one of the beautiful goddess like creatures who had been taking care of me, into an incredibly beautiful naked girl of about my own age who wanted me to make love to her. I grabbed Shay and СКАЧАТЬ