Guide Me in My Recovery. John T. Farrell
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Название: Guide Me in My Recovery

Автор: John T. Farrell

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781936290475


СКАЧАТЬ purpose is from this time

      To reject or expel sensual images, and idle thoughts.

      To provide some useful amusement for leisure time.

      To avoid idleness.

      To rise early.

      To study a proper portion of every day.

      To worship God diligently.

      To read the Scriptures.

      To let no week pass without reading some part.

      To write down my observations.

      I will renew earlier resolutions.

      I will not despair. I will pray to God

      for resolution, and will endeavor to

      strengthen my faith.

       How Can I Keep From Singing?


      My life flows on in endless song;

      Above earth’s lamentation

      I hear the sweet though far off hymn

      That hails a new creation:

      Through all the tumult and the strife

      I hear the music ringing;

      It finds an echo in my soul—

      How can I keep from singing?

       Be At Peace


      Do not look forward in fear

      to the changes of life;

      Rather look to them with full hope

      that as they arise,

      God, whose very own you are,

      will lead you safely through all things;

      And when you cannot stand it,

      God will carry you in His arms.

      Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;

      The same everlasting Father

      who cares for you today

      will take care of you today and every day.

      He will either shield you from suffering or

      will give you unfailing strength to bear it.

      Be at peace and put aside all

      anxious thoughts and imaginations.

       The Rhythm of Life


      I am the drum,

      You are the drum, and we are the drum.

      Rhythm is the soul of life.

      The whole universe revolves in rhythm.

      Everything and every human action

      revolve in rhythm.

       The Way of the Bodhisattva


      For as long as space endures

      And for as long as

      living beings remain

      Until then may I too abide

      To dispel the misery of the world.

       St. Patrick’s Breastplate


      I arise today through the strength

      of the love of Cherubim

      In obedience of Angels,

      in the service of the Archangels,

      In hope of resurrection

      to meet with reward,

      In prayers of Patriarchs,

      in predictions of Prophets,

      In preachings of Apostles,

      in faiths of Confessors,

      In innocence of Holy Virgins,

      in deeds of righteous men.

      I arise today, through the strength of Heaven;

      Light of Sun, brilliance of Moon, splendor of Fire,

      Speed of Lightning, swiftness of Wind, depth of Sea,

      Stability of Earth, firmness of Rock.

      I arise today, through God’s strength to pilot me:

      God’s might to uphold me,

      God’s wisdom to guide me,

      God’s eye to look before me,

      God’s ear to hear me,

      God’s word to speak for me,

      God’s hand to guard me,

      God’s way to lie before me,

      God’s shield to protect me,

      God’s host to secure me:

      Against snares of devils,

      Against temptations of vices,

      Against inclinations of nature,

      Against everyone who shall wish me ill,

      Afar and anear, alone and in a crowd.

       Be Still


      In the rush and noise of life,

      as you have

      Intervals, step within yourself

      and be still.

      Wait СКАЧАТЬ