My Five-Year Recovery Planner. The Editors of Central Recovery Press
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Название: My Five-Year Recovery Planner

Автор: The Editors of Central Recovery Press

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781936290468


СКАЧАТЬ with your material life circumstances. Are you happy with your material life today? If so, why? (Use the spaces below.)






       My Nutrition Condition

      Much like a car needs fuel to run, your body needs the energy provided by the foods you eat in order to function. And the higher the quality of “fuel” you give your body, the better it will run, and the better your overall health and wellness will be. Good nutrition involves consuming the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, along with essential vitamins and minerals. As you begin to set your nutritional goals, you may want to build your knowledge about healthy eating and bring more awareness to your food choices (where your food comes from, how it is produced, how certain foods make you feel, etc.), then incorporate this information into your plan.

      Begin where you are. Check off each item based on how you feel about it today.

      My Five-Year Plan Goals Five years from now I’d like (fill in the blank next to the nutrition item listed.)

      My Eating Habits to Be ________________________________________

      My Sugar Intake to Be _________________________________________

      My Fat Intake to Be ___________________________________________

      My Vegetable Intake to Be ______________________________________

      My Fruit Intake to Be __________________________________________

      My Protein Intake to Be ________________________________________

      My Carbohydrate Intake to Be ___________________________________

      My Animal Products Intake to Be_________________________________

      My Vitamin/Supplement Intake to Be _____________________________

      My Water Intake to Be _________________________________________

      My Salt Intake to Be ___________________________________________

      My Processed Foods Intake to Be _________________________________

      My _____________ to Be ______________________________________

      My _____________ to Be ______________________________________

      My _____________ to Be ______________________________________

      How I Will Achieve My Nutrition Goals Now write specific actions you can begin to do to implement the changes you listed.

      Within 3 – 6 Months I Will _____________________________________


      I’m Doing This Because ________________________________________


      Within 1 – 2 Years I Will _______________________________________


      I’m Doing This Because ________________________________________


      Within 3 – 4 Years I Will _______________________________________


      I’m Doing This Because ________________________________________


      Write, draw, or cut and paste pictures as indicated below.

       My Favorite Foods

       My Favorite Places to Eat

      My Favorite Recipe (Paste or write in the space provided.)

      In the next five years I would like to eat at






      Five years from now, if a restaurant named a dish after me, it would be called






      Five years from now I would like to be eating

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