Let Them Eat Dirt. B. Brett Finlay
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Название: Let Them Eat Dirt

Автор: B. Brett Finlay

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781771642552


СКАЧАТЬ Microbe Deficit Disorder

       Starved for Nature

       Such a Thing as Too Clean

       Cleanliness Q&A

       PART THREE: Collateral Damage

       10.Obesity: The World Is Getting Heavier

       Body Weight and the Microbiome

       Fat Mice

       Of Mice and Men

       A Microbiota Diet

       Antibiotics and Childhood Weight


       Anorexia Nervosa

       11.Diabetes: Microbes Have a Sweet Tooth

       A Disease on the Rise

       A Sugarcoated Pregnancy

       Finger Pricks and Insulin Pumps

       The Western Diet: A Life Too Sweet

       12.Intestinal Diseases: Fire in the Gut!

       The Gut: A Thirty-Foot Tube, but Mind the Gap

       For Crying Out Loud

       Chewing on Gluten: Microbes and Celiac Disease

       Irritable Bowel Syndrome

       Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

       13.Asthma and Allergies: Microbes Keep Us Breathing Easy

       The Burden of Asthma

       Searching for the Culprits

       From the Gut to the Lung

       Allergies and Eczema, Too?

       14.Gut Feelings: Microbiota and the Brain

       Bottom-Up Thinking

       The Microbes Made Me Do It!

       Microbes and Moods

       Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

       Autism Spectrum Disorders

       Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

       The Road to a Better Brain

       15.Vaccines Work!

       The Not-So-Magical Kingdom

       A Parent’s Nightmare—What Do I Do?

       Vaccines and Microbiota—Is There a Connection?

       16.Bugs As Drugs

       The Future

       Understanding the Microbiome

       Analysis of Your Microbiome

       Beyond Genes: Microbial Metabolites

       Second Generation Probiotics


       Back to the Future: Fecal Transfers

       RePOOPulating Our Gut

       Crystal Ball Time

       Personalized Diets


       Selected References



      We all want what is best for our kids. The problem is that there is no perfect handbook on how to raise them, nor is there any one best way, either. We read books and articles, talk to friends, and try to remember (or forget!) how our parents raised us. Both of us have children and have struggled and muddled through the parenting process the same way everyone does. We are also scientists who have worked with microbes for many years, and we couldn’t help but consider how these ever-present microbes influence development as we raised our children. At first we studied microbes that cause disease, and we feared them just like anyone else. But more recently we began taking notice of all the other microbes that live in and on us—our “microbiota.” As we continue to study the microbiota of humans, it is becoming clear that our exposure to microbes is most important when we’re kids. At the same time, modern lifestyles have made childhood much cleaner than ever before in human history, and this is taking a huge toll on our microbiota—and our lifelong health.

      The genesis of this book came from the realization that the studies in our lab—and the labs of several other researchers—prove that microbes really do impact a child’s health. What shocked us most was how early this starts—the first one hundred days of life are critical. We knew microbes played a role in well-being, but we had no idea how soon this role began.

      Several other factors converged to help convince us to write this book. Claire has young children, and all of her young parent friends were extremely interested in the concept of microbes and how they might affect their kids. Whenever we tell other parents about our work, the questions never cease—Do I need to sterilize their bottles every time? What kind of soap should I use? We realized that there are many questions out there about microbes . . . and a lot of wrong information.

      Brett is married to a pediatric infectious disease specialist (Jane) who was constantly suggesting articles and findings about how microbes affect kids, which led us to realize that since this was such a new field, there was no one source parents could turn to if they wanted to learn more. Not to mention that scientific articles are usually dry, terse things with lots of jargon and, frankly, are terribly boring. However, this new area of research has a lot to offer to people raising children who are not likely to get this important information from dense scientific papers or from studies often misinterpreted by the press. СКАЧАТЬ