Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days. Peter Glickman
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Название: Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days

Автор: Peter Glickman

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780975572269


СКАЧАТЬ longer than a Cuban male. Worse, a Cuban male could expect to remain healthy for one month longer at the end of his life than an American male. Even worse, the World Health Organization ranked Cuba’s health level 36th in the world, while America’s ranked 72nd out of 144.14 By the way, who spent more than any other country in the world for health care? America.

      These statistics clearly demonstrate there is something modern medicine does not know about these diseases that is important for their prevention. Why is this?

      Modern medicine is built on the concept of symptoms and disease. The modern medical doctor is taught to observe the patient’s symptoms, run diagnostic tests and compare that information to symptoms of known diseases. After that process of diagnosis, he prescribes the currently accepted treatment to cure that disease and the patient hopefully gets well—meaning the patient no longer has those symptoms. This method may work well for infections, measles, etc. But heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer′s and cancer are another matter, and a very serious one, because together they were the cause of death for more than half of all Americans who died in 2006, according to the CDC.

      However, the medical disease concept is not the only concept of healing. There are others: chiropractic, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and naturopathy. Naturopathic doctors teach their patients to use diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and natural therapies to enhance their bodies’ ability to prevent and combat disease, according to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians website. (Note the wording “doctors teach their patients …” above. The word “doctor” actually comes from the Latin word docere, meaning to teach.) These alternative models of healing base their practices on the fact that the human body will heal itself if given the chance and the patient is taught how to do that. For example, when you cut yourself, the wound heals, provided you keep it clean and protected from being reopened again.

      Diagnosis is not as important to these other schools of healing because it is recognized that if you give your body correct nutrition and exercise, detoxify it as needed, and eliminate negative mental influences and stress, the body will heal itself. This was the foundation of modern medicine as developed by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, 400 BC. However, medicine has not always stayed true to its roots.

      Because other healing models accept other causes for lack of vibrant good health and happiness, they are often dismissed or even fought by medical societies. A historical example of this is Sir William A. Lane (1856-1943). He was a distinguished member of the British Royal Society of Surgeons. He is still known for three surgical procedures he invented, including the use of plates and screws for repairing fractures that otherwise wouldn’t heal correctly. During the First World War (1914-18), he opened a branch of Queen Mary’s Hospital, which pioneered plastic surgery to repair facial birth defects.

      “Lane was regarded at his peak as the best abdominal surgeon in England and was called on to operate on Royalty, politicians and many society figures of the Edwardian era.”15

      His vast experience in surgery led him to realize that long-term, uneliminated waste in the colon putrefied and therefore caused many other diseases. Lane referred to it as autointoxication (literally, self poisoning). The modern word for it is endotoxins (endo = internal, toxins = poisons). For example, such toxins are created when protein is acted on by certain bacteria. In his first misguided attempt to remedy this, Lane, being a surgeon, performed total colectomies (removing the entire colon).

      In 1926, after observing the failure of surgery as a treatment for this condition, Lane “started promoting exercise, fruit and vegetables and bran cereal as the answer to bowel problems. Using his many royal and society connections, he set up the New Health Society [in England in 1925] to promote … health education… [and] … wrote columns in the newspapers, held public lectures and improved the distribution of fruit and vegetables.”16

      The medical establishment fought his effort to improve health with non-medicinal, non-surgical means. They were so vehement that in 1926, Lane, “in order to promote the New Health Society…, asked to have his name removed from the Medical Register to avoid being disciplined by the [British] General Medical Council.”17

      Addressing the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical College, Sir William A. Lane said:

      “Gentlemen, I will never die of cancer. I am taking measures to prevent it... It is caused by poisons created in our bodies by the food we eat... What we should do, then, if we would avoid cancer, is to eat... raw fruits and vegetables; first, that we may be better nourished; secondly, that we may more easily eliminate waste products... We have been studying germs when we should have been studying diet and drainage... The world has been on the wrong track. The answer has been within ourselves all the time... Drain the body of its poisons, feed it properly, and the miracle is done. Nobody need have cancer who will take the trouble to avoid it.”18

      By the way, Lane lived to be 87 years old and died from being run over during the Second World War in London.19

      Modern medicine does not classify “a growing lack of energy and enthusiasm toward life as you age” as a disease. So, if you experience this condition, do not expect a conventional doctor to be able to help you. Some even mislabel it, call it depression, and prescribe drugs with dangerous side effects. It is not that he does not care. It is that he has not been taught the name of a disease to match those symptoms and he does not have a drug or surgical operation to treat your condition. What other options are there?

      Although modern medicine may have a poor view of it, fasting and severe calorie reduction is the only method proven to extend life uniformly for all members of a species and this has been proven in numerous scientific experiments since 1935. In that year, Dr. Clive McCay at Cornell University reported that rodents fed on a 30% reduced calorie diet increased their life span by 40%—that would be almost 30 more years for a human!20

      In addition to increased longevity, most age-related diseases, such as kidney degeneration or tumors, were also reduced. A later study published by the National Institutes of Health found monkeys on a 30% reduced calorie diet lived 15 years longer. And, like the rodents, the monkeys avoided much of the usual diseases of old age.21

      Stephen R. Spindler, Ph.D., of the University of California Riverside, has proven in his experiments that calorie restriction partially restored liver function in mice and reduced inflammation.22

      Allan Cott, M.D. was no stranger to the benefits of fasting. He wrote the 1975 bestselling book, Fasting—The Ultimate Diet.23 The cover of his book quotes the New England Journal of Medicine as saying, “Fasting is a valid experience. It can benefit any otherwise healthy person whose calories now have the upper hand in his/her life.” His book cites 329 references on fasting: 158 are scientific or medical journals. In his 1977 book, Fasting as a Way of Life, Cott СКАЧАТЬ