Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days. Peter Glickman
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Название: Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days

Автор: Peter Glickman

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780975572269


СКАЧАТЬ was for several months, but after the prescription fiasco, I decided I would go on the same diet and see what happened. I was not feeling as bad as I had before the mercury detoxification; I still did not realize my road rage was connected to my health; and I still did not have the energy I used to have. But was that not normal?

      When I started the raw vegetarian diet in May 2002, I weighed over 230 pounds. I wore pants with a size 40 waist, which were tight. Over the next six months, I lost more than thirty pounds and was now fitting into size 37 pants. But more importantly I felt great and had lots of energy. Road rage became a thing of the past. People who saw me asked what I was doing to look so much better.

      In December 2002, I began wondering if I should do some kind of cleanse. I had done a liver/gall bladder cleanse some years before and wondered if perhaps another type of cleanse or a whole series of different cleanses was something I needed at this point. So when I discovered the Master Cleanse by Stanley Burroughs at the end of December, I decided to do it starting in January 2003.

      The Master Cleanse changed my life. I did it for 20 days and lost 23 pounds. Much, much more important, I felt fabulous and was now able to work 10 - 14 hour days with no strain at all and I was happier than I had been in years and years!

      My wife also did the Master Cleanse. So did my twentyseven year old son and his girl friend, as well as a friend I had not seen in three years. When he heard I had lost over fifty pounds and felt great, he said he wanted to do it and did not care what it was. He discovered that on the Master Cleanse, he could still walk his six miles a day and he had enough energy to also ride his bike another four miles most days as well.

      I already had a website for raw food and decided to add information on the Master Cleanse and a bulletin board so people who had questions could have a place to get answers from those who had done the Master Cleanse. From there, it was only a small step to see if we could get 100 people to do the Master Cleanse in January 2004 to start the year. Amazingly, with only one story in a local monthly health magazine and word of mouth, we ended up with more than 110 people doing it! That has increased to over 1200 in January of 2009!

      Did I keep the weight off? That’s a question I am frequently asked. Well, I finished my first Master Cleanse on 24 January 2003 weighing 175 pounds. For the next five years, doing three or four Master Cleanses a year, I stayed between 175 and 185. In October 2007, I began a program of research into the nature and laws of life that requires I eat every day and so I have not done a Master Cleanse since then. I look forward to finishing my research and again doing regular Master Cleanses. I am currently 200 pounds, but still in vibrant good health and it shows.

      I wish you the best,

      Peter Glickman

       Part I:

       First Things First

      The daughter of a friend of mine left for college this year. But first, my friend had a father-daughter talk with her. He did not like Bob, the boy she was dating at school. Bob did not have a job, was not in school and had no plans for the future. The other day, he received a letter from her:

      Dear Dad,

      This letter may be hard to take, so please sit down and have a cup of coffee while you read it.

      I know you don’t like Bob, but if you would get to know him you’ll you’d like him as much as I do. I certainly hope so … because I’ve decided to move in with Bob. It means I’ll be further from the college, but that’s something else I want to tell you … I’m going to drop out of school and get a job to support us. I know how much you value education, but you also taught me to think for myself. And right now, that’s what I think is best.

      Anyway, both Bob and I hope you’ll take the time to get to know him because we’ve decided to get married. He’s really great and I’m sure you’ll like him when you get to know him.

      And the best news of all? I′m pregnant! So, I′m sure you′ll agree our getting married is the best thing to do.

      Love, Your daughter, Amy

      At the bottom of the page in small letters are the words, “Please turn over.” The dad wonders what could possibly be next and quickly turns the page.


      I’m sorry to have put you through all that. I’m not pregnant and we’re not getting married. I’m certainly not dropping out of school for Bob; I broke off with him a couple days ago. You were right, he was a jerk.

      However, I did get a D in chemistry. I just wanted to put it in perspective.

      This story makes an important point: Perspective is very important.

      Much has been said, published and broadcast about America’s health care system, the medical advances we have made and that it is the best health care system in the world. I would like to give you a different perspective.


      According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the cancer rate in America more than doubled from the start of the War on Cancer in 1971 to the year 2001.7 This was in spite of the fact that the National Cancer Institute’s annual budget went from $150 million in 1971 to $4.6 billion in 2005, an increase of thirty times.8 Now “40.77% of men and women born today will be diagnosed with cancer at some time during their lifetime”!9

      Heart Disease

      One person in three suffers from some form of heart or circulatory system disease, including high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. One out of every three people dies from these conditions. That is more than 2,400 deaths each day, an average of one death every 37 seconds.10


      “The United States saw a 136 percent increase in the number of people with diabetes between 1980 and 2007.”11


      The number of adults who are extremely obese and thus likely to have serious health problems increased 600% from 1961 to 2006, according to the CDC.12 The extremely obese have more than twice the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes than normal weight Americans .13

      Cost of Health Care

      Although America spent 36 times as much money as Cuba on health care in 1997 according to the World Health Organization ($3724 СКАЧАТЬ