Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days. Peter Glickman
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Название: Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days

Автор: Peter Glickman

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780975572269


СКАЧАТЬ respect nature’s healing forces, which inhabit each living organism. Thus you are the only person who can cure yourself. Healers only assist. Hippocrates considered illness a natural phenomenon that forced people to discover the imbalances in their health. He strongly believed in good food and related the course of any disease to poor nutrition and bad eating habits. He taught, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food,” advice that, to this day, has not lost its validity.

      During the 1800s, a new school of medicine emerged: the allopathic school (using drugs to suppress the symptoms of a disease) or Western school, based on patentable drugs. The idea behind it was that doctors can cure, provided they have the correct technology and drugs. During this era, there were more homeopathic doctors (using natural substances to cure the disease) than allopathic ones, as they were preferred. However, by the 1920s, there was only one homeopathic school remaining. Motivated by profit and through legislative maneuvering, pharmaceutical giants ensured allopathic medical dominance, while ignoring the first rule of medicine: first do no harm. Thus, today we are offered drugs that treat depression with a side effect of suicide!

      The reality is that medicine has failed to evolve while people are demanding change. No one seems to get well and cries from consumers fall upon deaf ears.

      So, unfortunately, it is left up to you to navigate our unfortunate system of sick care. So for those seeking assistance, I relate a fact known for several thousand years: most illness comes from the colon. Few remember that at one time, colon therapists were an integral part of the general medical practice in America. Dr. John H Kellogg published: “Should the colon be sacrificed or may it be reformed?” in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 26 in 1917. After this publication, colon therapy grew in popularity in America until the invention of colonoscopy. Keeping your colon clean and healthy was replaced with simply looking at it.

      As part of prevention, keeping your colon clean and healthy is of prime importance. That is one of the reasons the Master Cleanse is a great tool for those seeking prevention of illness and I respect Peter for doing a great job of not only explaining what to do, but also sharing with you others’ experiences and support. Great health does not have to be expensive.

      When I started my clinic, Utopia Wellness, I was tired of issuing bandaids in an effort to treat symptoms. I had to teach myself that real medicine is more than just technology and drugs. I became a physician because I wanted to help people find remedies for their problems. I wanted it to serve as a model for this necessary change in health care, where just about any disease is addressed naturally. We stress prevention, not intervention or sick care. Sick care is ineffective and expensive.

      Perhaps someday, individuals who understand real health care for our nation may represent WE THE PEOPLE. In the mean time, you had better learn how to prevent illness, since there appears to be little profit for others to do so.

      Carlos M. Garcia, M.D.



      November 1, 2010

      In the fall of 2005, shortly after the second edition was published, I discovered that it was beneficial to take probiotics after the cleanse. and began to promote that on the Internet. (See number seven in the section “More Details,” below.) It has since been copied on the many thousands of websites offering advice on the Master Cleanse. However, that information never made it into this book. So I made a promise to myself that I would do a third edition.

      The number of webpages discussing the Master Cleanse since the first edition is now almost half a million! This has led some people to accuse me of just copying whatever information I found on the Internet. I find this accusation funny considering there were less than a handful of websites devoted to the Master Cleanse when I wrote the first edition and put up the first Internet Bulletin Board (or forum, as they are called these days) at the end of 2003 and personally posted more than 600 answers to people’s questions.

      In the first and second edition I answered the 70 most frequently asked questions. Since then, the most frequently asked questions have changed a bit and answering those new questions was another reason I wanted to write this third edition.

      I also wanted to publish at least a few of the many scientific studies that validate the Master Cleanse as I am frequently asked for that information by those who would like to spread the word.

      My final reason for writing this third edition is the information on anti-aging, which I personally find fascinating and is directly related to the Master Cleanse and fasting. Fasting from time to time (intemittent fasting) and a permanent, restricted-calorie diet with optimum nutrition are the only two methods that have ever been scientifically proven to extend life and reduce the diseases of aging! (See the section “Anti-Aging”.)

      Being overweight has become far too common in America. According to a Business Week article, (“Those Heavy Americans,” Gene Koretz, Business Week, Nov. 10, 2003) two-thirds of Americans are overweight. The market for weight loss products (low carbohydrate foods, diet programs, reducing supplements, etc.) was projected to surpass $150 billion by 2007.1

      Still worse, obesity or being overweight was the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States from 2003-2006.2 Those people it does not kill, it punishes, especially dating singles who want to be attractive to the opposite sex.

      A look at our current culture might provide an explanation. Super Size Me is a very entertaining, feature-length color documentary film that shows what happens when the central character actually goes on a 30-day McDonald’s-only diet. For 30 days, he eats breakfast, lunch and dinner at McDonald’s. Nothing passes his lips that cannot be purchased at McDonald’s. And whenever they ask him if he wants it super-sized, he must answer yes and eat it all.

      At the beginning of the movie, we see him getting the results of various examinations by health care professionals. His results are all normal and he is given a clean bill of health. After three weeks, one doctor is shocked at how much worse his liver is and encourages him to go off the diet. Our “dieter” refuses. So, the doctor hands him a number for the hospital emergency room and insists he call if he experiences any symptoms of a heart attack! The doctor is shown in the film saying something along the lines of, “I would never have imagined that your diet could reduce your health this fast.”

      Not only does he gain more weight than expected, but we watch the deterioration in his complexion and mental attitude as well as learn about it from the results of his later blood tests. There are segments where he talks about his worsened mental attitude. His girlfriend, a vegan chef, also talks about his diminished sexual capability. (So, do not show the entire movie to your six year old without seeing it first. His girlfriend’s description is not graphic, but you may have to answer questions you would rather not, if you show that part to your six year old.)

      Another scene shows how children with learning and attitude problems change for the better when they are not fed processed food in their school cafeteria.

      Toward the end of the movie, McDonald’s French fries, a hamburger and a sandwich are put in separate glass domes along with a fresh-ground hamburger and hand-cut French fries from a local restaurant. The fresh-ground hamburger and hand-cut French fries decomposed as you would expect because they are not refrigerated. However, even without refrigeration, the McDonald’s fries have no visible decomposition even after six weeks!

      If they do not decompose like “nutritional” СКАЧАТЬ