Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days. Peter Glickman
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Название: Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days

Автор: Peter Glickman

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780975572269



      Table of Contents

       Title Page


       A Huge Debt




       Part I: - First Things First


       Current Health Care Statistics

       Ideas in Conflict

       Challenging Established Authority

       Support for Alternative Medicine

       America’s Health Care Crisis

       Part II: - Anti-Aging

       Scientific Studies

       A More Practical Approach

       The Chicken Heart that Lived Forever

       My Experience with the Master Cleanse

       What About Protein, Vitamins and Minerals?

       The Future

       Part III: - How to Do the Master Cleanse

       Shopping List

       Quick Start

       More Details

       For Those With Diabetes or High Blood Pressure

       Detox Symptoms—the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

       “How About Only Five Days? Can We Make a Deal?”

       The Agitator and the Rinse Cycle

       The Master Cleanse Is Not for Everyone

       If Detox Symptoms Become Unpleasant


       When It Is Not All Coming Out as Planned

       The Twelve Most Common Pitfalls

       What to Expect Day by Day

       The Detox Diet Scale

       Part IV - Your Master Cleanse Journal

       Part V - The Master Cleanse Discussion Bulletin Board

       Acid/alkaline balance/pH?

       After the Cleanse

       Agave Nectar vs. Maple Syrup


       Bentonite, Psyllium, Herbs, Colon Cleansers During the Cleanse

       Beyond 10 Days


       Bowel Movements

       Bowel Movements Not Happening

       Breaking the Fast—Very Important

       Bronchitis, Asthma

       Brushing Your Teeth During the Cleanse


       Cayenne Pepper

       Cheating—Am I Alone?
