Криптовалюта призм, как заработать в 2020?. Максим Мернес
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СКАЧАТЬ Paraphysics and the New Energy Technology Part 2 – Louis Acker

      12) ATREE – A New Power Source

      97) Partial Bibliography on the Effects of ELF Magnetic Fields on Living Beings

      13) Bedini Energy Device for Space Flight

      98) Patent 4,325,795

      14) Bedini-Brandt Circuits

      99) Non-Inductive_Electrical_Resistor

      15) Bee Pollen

      100) Pegasus 1

      16) Bioeffects of Geotachyonic Disturbances, Underground Noxious Rays, & Electronic Smog – Vince Wiberg

      101) Pegasus 2

      17) Bjorn Ortenheim

      102) Pegasus-Tesla_Physics_etc_1984

      18) Bourke Engine

      103) Permanant Magnet Motor

      19) Building a Mini Tesla Coil

      104) Phoenix Radioclast, Radionics, Psionics Machine

      20) Building Tesla’s Famous Coil – EE

      105) Pi, Phi, and Loops

      21) California – A Date With Disaster

      106) Polarized Multilayer Theory of Cell Water – King

      22) Can Science Create Life?

      107) Possibility of Experimental Study of the Properties of Time – NA Kozyrev

      23) Cernitin

      108) Principles of Radio Communication-John H. Morecroft

      24) Circuit Drawings – Ronald Brandt to John Bedini

      109) Priore Machine

      25) Circuit for Reducing Voltage Stress Across a Transformer

      110) Pyramide Energy Stand 1

      26) Cole Generator Part 1

      111) Pyramide Energy Stand 2

      27) Cole Generator Part 2

      112) Radiesthetic Readings etc

      28) Cole Motor

      113) Radio Waves & Life Part 1

      29) Composition and facts about foods

      114) Radio Waves & Life Part 2

      30) DC Motor Having Improved Commutation Means – Peterson

      115) Ray Guns from 1940

      31) Defense in a N-dimensional World – Technological Suprise Must Be Prevented by Stefan Possony

      116) Solitons

      32) Design, Construction & Operating Principles of Electromagnetics for Attracting Copper, Aluminum & Other Non-Ferrous Metals

      117) Some Experiments in Tesla’s Lab with Currents of High Potential and High Frequency

      33) Ecklin Generator – Ole Nilsen

      118) Soviets Break Ice for Missles

      34) Eike Mueller Visits John Bedini

      119) Space Venture

      35) Electric Power from the Earth – L. George Lawrence

      120) Stationary Armature Generator 1

      36) Electrical Experimenter June 1913

      121) Stationary Armature Generator 2

      37) Electricity & Magnetism

      122) Superconductivity

      38) Electrifying Plastics

      123) Tachyon Energy

      39) EMA

      124) Tesla Articles etc. 40) EMP

      125) Tesla Coil

      41) Energy Level Interpretation of Cancer

      126) Tesla from Science-1958

      42) Energy Unlimited #14

      127) Tesla- Inventor Ahead of his Time

      43) Energy Weapons

      128) Tesla- Proceedings of the IRE

      44) Flower Pollen – Nature’s Perfect Food

      129) Tesla Technology General Report 1

      45) Flux Linkages and Electromagnetic Induction – LV Bewley

      130) Tesla Technology General Report 2

      46) Freeman W Cope Papers – Magnetic Monopoles

      131) Tesla Technology General Report 3

      47) Fundamental Problem with EM theory – Bearden

      132) TG Hieronumus – Diagnostic-Broadcast Treatment System

      48) Gelinas Patents Curl-Free Magnetic Vector Potential

      133) The Anti-Gravity Handbook – Cox

      49) Hamell Disc

      134) The Electrinium Battery

      50) 50 Hans Coler Inventions

      135) The Electromatic Motor Car

      51) High Power EM Experiments in USSR

      136) The Energy Crisis – The Problem & a Possible Solution

      52) H-MIT Vector Potential Research Presentation to DARPA

      137) The Engine That Runs Itself – Gray

      53) H-MIT Vector Potential Research

      138) The Engine That Runs Itself

      54) Homopolar High-Frequency Non-Reluctant Generator – WJF Muller

      139) The Hans Coler Inventions Part 2

      55) Hooper Material 2

      140) The Hubbard Energy Transformer – Gaston Burridge

      56) Hooper Material 1

      141) The Immortal Life-Giving B-Cell

      57) How Man Transform the Laws of the Universe

      142) The New Age Battery Which Recaptures the Solar Force – Beti King

      58) СКАЧАТЬ