Pieces of Hate; And Other Enthusiasms. Broun Heywood
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Название: Pieces of Hate; And Other Enthusiasms

Автор: Broun Heywood

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664609526


СКАЧАТЬ over. Champ and Jimmy rushed into the locker room just as the big Blue team was about to trot out for the second half. After that there was nothing to it. Yale won by a score of 12 to 10. "Curly clapped his hands together," writes Mr. Minnigerode in describing the rally, "and kept calling out 'Never mind the signal! Give me the ball' in his plaintive voice"——

      This sounds more like Yale football than anything else in the book. However, it sufficed. Curly made two touchdowns and all the Yale men went to Mory's and sang "Curly Corliss, Curly Corliss, he will leave old Harvard scoreless." It is said that a legend is now gaining ground in New Haven that Yale will not defeat Harvard again until it is led by some other captain whose name rhymes with "scoreless." The current captain of the Elis is named Jordan. The only thing that rhymes with is "scored on."

      Still, as Professor Billy Phelps has taught his students to say, football isn't everything. Perhaps something of Sparta has gone from Yale, for a few years or forever, but just look at the Yale poets and novelists all over the place. There is a new kindliness at New Haven. Take for instance the testimony of the same "Big Year" when it describes a touching little scene between Curly Corliss, the captain of the Yale football team, and his room mate as they are revealed in the act of retiring for the night:


      "'Yeah,' very sleepily.

      "'They all seem to get over it!'

      "'Over what?'

      "'The fellows who have graduated,' Curly explained. 'I guess they all feel pretty poor when they leave, but they get over it right away. It's just like changing into a new suit, I expect.'

      "'Yeah, I guess so'. …

      "'Well, goo' night, little feller'. …

      "'Goo' night, Teddy.'"

      But we do wish Mr. Minnigerode had been a little more explicit and had told us who tucked them in.

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