The Secret Of Mind And Body. Gianluca Pistore
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Название: The Secret Of Mind And Body

Автор: Gianluca Pistore

Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9788873043027


СКАЧАТЬ the Rocky II training, with Franco Columbu who has been twice Mr. Olympia, I tore my pectoral muscle forcing me to undergo to a surgical operation lasting four hours. I came back to the set for the shooting and the result is still well visible: in the film I changed the guard not to surprise Apollo (as I tell) but because I did not be able to box well because of the surgical operation consequences.**

      For the film Victory my diet consisted in just 200 calories per day, only protein food and a potato in case that I was feeling me passing out.

      For Rocky III I began my day with two miles running, then 18 boxe rounds, two hours of weightlifting and of rope skipping. In the afternoon, after a nap, two miles more of running.

      At that time, there was not many information about nutrition and I was using extreme methods to lose or put on weight, I arrived even to self-cannibalising. I had followed training and really unhealthy diets. I had massacred my body, I do not recommend to anybody to follow my advice. Today I train myself regularly each morning, while in the afternoon I deal with my business.

      My nutrition is healthy and correct. I try to follow a balanced diet and I am living with a fat mass of about 6%, when I must play a role in a film I decrease the mass to 4%. My record was in Rocky IV when I went down to 3.7% of fat mass.

      I think that the physical training is synonym of discipline, mental order and perseverance. Nobody can hit so hard as life, strong is not who going down for the count, but who that is gone down for the count once and has the force to get up.

      I do not know the reasons leading you to buy this book, I do not know why you want to train yourself or follow a diet. I do not know if you want to lose or to put on weight, if you want to increase your muscles or to define them better, if you are a fighter or an athlete….but whoever you are, get free from the beast that you have inside! You know, when the others are not able to do a thing, they tell that it is you that are not able to do it!

      Face to the adversities, to the difficulties of the life, it is not important what is the problem weight, we will make an effort to lift it! It is not important what will be the weight falling on our head, we will not kneel down. It is not important how you give hits, but how you are able to stand up to them, how you go down for the count after having taken the hits and you have the force to get up again, so you are a winner!

      Each time that you will feel pain, that you will surrender, that you will be near to give up, remember what my trainer said and you have to tell yourself: “Ehi… I did not hear the bell, there is a round more?”

      Good reading,


      * These are sentences really told by Stallone in different interviews

      ** This and many other information have been taken by the official website

      *** To be surer we repeat: Sly did not consider us but we have no doubt that he would undoubtedly move and agree with these words.



      The book in your hands will neither tell you how to lose weight without diets, nor it will make you lose 7 kilos in 7 days. Our trainings are not based on eating banana or other fruits.

      We don’t propose training not making you sweat or which could be followed comfortably from your office during work-breaks.

      If you were looking for that, close immediately this book.

      We will make you sweat, even only reading, and working hard at the gym. Our methods are not effective for everyone. They are valid for those who are determined and those who are resolute want to work hard, and working hard is not a common attitude. Then, if you are willing to study, this book is for you.

      Someone could expect that the book authors are two guys having a thing about the gym… it’s true. but looking to us, you couldn’t say that. We aren’t superhumans for two valid reasons: we don’t take doping and we like to be independent in the use of the hygienic paper.

      We talk about strength, big and proportionated muscles. If you are willing to growth enormously, follow our techniques. We have simply chosen a different way.

      If, however, you’ve read up until this point since you’re seeking to lose some kilos for the summertime, then close the book: we’ve the right solution for you, but we don’t like your motivation. If, instead, you’re willing to lose some kilos for forever feeling well and healthy, then we are the right persons for you.


      At this point many people point out that:

      - they are obese for genetical problems

      - they have slipped discs or ingrown nose hairs so they’re not able to train

      And now we’ll introduce ourselves.

      My name’s Oreste Maria Petrillo, I was born in a seedy quarter, my life made me shy and without any trust in myself. I felt the need to have a physical shell and mother nature pleased me: at 11-12 years old, my weight was already 90 kg.

      Now, if you’re imaging me like a mini Schwarzenegger, it would be rather better to envisage a little Chiyonofuji (the most famous Sumo fighter).

      May be for this reason that I approached the sport and body-building. My life made me shy, the sport gave me back the trust.

      I began to train lifting weights since I was willing to transform my natural shell, consisting of fat, in a strong shell made by muscles. This arose my passion for sport and knowledge of the human body with all its peculiarities.

      I enrolled to the University of Law but I was studying more medicine, nutrition, biochemistry than law books (N.B. in any case I get my degree and I’m Lawyer)!

      I’ve learnt how to eat and modify my body, to train obtaining any quality I was willing, like strength, mass or endurance. I’ve acquired character and discipline, tenacity and determination. The sport and knowledge changed me in a better person.

      Today I’m also a personal trainer helping others to exit from their cocoon and finally become beautiful butterflies.

      I discovered that it doesn’t exist a greater strength than the willpower and the hard work makes possible to achieve all goals, independently from the starting point.

      I share my experience with those asking me it. I like to consider myself as a men builder, from the physical and mental point of view.

      My name’s Gianluca Pistore, I am 1,75 mt height and 68 kg weight since many years. Independently from the fact that I eat ice-creams, Nutella, cakes, pizzas, little pizzas, bread and pasta, I have the turtle belly like muscles since I was 14 years old, I was born with a chest circumference which would already allowed me to compete.

      I was like those students that at school have very high marks without studying, except for some problems: I was born with the umbilical cord twisted around the neck and, besides to risk dying, doctors broken me the left shoulder and a nerve.

      During СКАЧАТЬ