The Word Revealed. Aldivan Teixeira Torres
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Название: The Word Revealed

Автор: Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9788873046882


СКАЧАТЬ me quieter. I have no confidence in certain leaders of institutions who often use the money for their own benefit. Therefore, use tithing money well and not necessarily on the religious route, because my father does not need anything material. It exists by itself being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Have more faith, brothers!

      The spiritual and material realms in which beings were created are stratified into several classes which together form their hierarchy. Hierarchy is and always will be necessary for the good ordering of things in their broad form.

      Whatever your role, brother, perform your assignments with promptness, quality, efficiency, gentleness, education, and honesty. You will feel useful to society, to yourself and to the blessed father. Yes, great will be your reward here on earth and in the heavenly realms.

      In the kingdom of my father, everyone will be treated with love, Respect, affection, understanding and their causes will be promptly met. Just recognize your limitation, have respect and adoration for your father, abide by his laws and have faith in his name. Nothing bad will happen to you and your happiness is guaranteed. There will never be any more pain, disappointment, death or suffering. Thus, says Yahweh: "The righteous shall shine as the sun in my kingdom."

      So be it!

      Yahweh God established the Covenant with the human Abraham in the following terms: "Circumcise the flesh of the foreskin. This will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. When they are eight days old, all the children of every generation shall be circumcised; also, the slaves born at home or bought from strangers, who are not of your race. " (Gen 17,11-12)

      The circumcision proposed by Yahweh was only a sign of the acceptance of his project that at that time encompassed Abraham and his people. Nothing more. Similar to an alliance in a marriage or any agreement between parties.

      With the coming of Jesus, the earth, it became clear that the most important circumcision is the circumcision of spirit where the human being has to throw off his sins and is reborn as a new man. We must fulfill the commandments given to Moses and the teachings proposed by Christ and still apply them according to the evolution of society which has changed greatly in the last two millennia. It all comes down to: Loving God about all things, your neighbor as yourself and do what others would like you to do with yourself. In doing this, the peace of Yahweh will accompany him wherever you goes.

      Yahweh God is very great. His attributes are incomparable and incomprehensible to the fragile human mind. In order to have an idea of its power, just take a look around: The planet earth itself and its wonderful elements, our galaxy and the very infinity of the universe. Everything was done by his order and is constantly renewed.

      We also have biblical examples of her ability: Sarah who gave birth at ninety years, the crossing of Moses and his people in the Red Sea, the plagues against Egypt, the prophet that was locked with the lions and remained safe and sound, the servants who were thrown into the fire and suffered nothing, the whale that swallowed Jonah but did not digest it, the teachings of Jesus and his miracles. Above all, I am witness of his action in my life, which freed me from a dark night of the deep soul.

      The science of God surpasses human understanding and must be respected. If you have any problems, talk to my father, ask him and if it is his will the miracle will happen. Now, you have to have the faith you need for it. Verily I say unto you, "If you have the faith the size of a mustard, you may say to this mountain, go from here to there and it will go. Nothing will be impossible for you. "(Matt 17:20)


      Yahweh God, my father, is a perfect being in his attributes. By being perfect, he looks for followers to the height in the existing dimensions. The earth is a planet of low evolution, technically called the world of atonement and proves and that is in a degrading moment. Today shows a dispersed, transcended and extremely materialistic humanity. Today, we value the political and financial power we have and not what we are. This is a deviation that spreads more and more.

      I tell you, brothers, my father and I think differently. We seek the exception, we want men and women who commit to truth, dignity and honesty. We seek the value of the human soul that is demonstrated in small and great acts: In humility, charity, work, tolerance, forgiveness, understanding, friendship, respect, complicity, sincerity and mutual love between the beings. These are the righteous and through them the universe is continually maintained.

      But Yahweh God and we, his children, are so superior that we are always open arms to the sunk in the vices of the flesh. Even suffering and disappointing ourselves with the infidels, we wait until the last breath of life for a reconciliation. Our unfathomable mercy is exemplified in the example of Jesus on the cross when he forgave a criminal. We thus do the most important exercise in the world: When the gates of heaven are fully opened to the sinful human showing the grace and glory of God, hallelujah!

      The believer-God relationship has to be based on trust, truth, faithfulness, and faith. But would there be limits to this submission and fidelity? We see the clear biblical example when Yahweh in order to test the love of Abraham asks him to go up the mountain and sacrifice his son in worship to him. Even though Abraham has an immense love for his son, Abraham accepts the proposal, climbs the mountain, and at the moment of his immolation, the angel of Yahweh appears and prevents him. God did not want human sacrifice was like I said just a test of fidelity. Yahweh, my father, is the God of life in abundance.

      By submitting readily to the Lord's will, Abraham became an example of courage and total surrender to the designs of the Creator. This must be our relationship with God: A mutual exchange where the human being gives himself body and soul to his mission regardless of the results or necessary requirements. The greatest commandment of all is thus fulfilled: "To love God above all things." To the father all honor, glory and adoration always.

      Since the world is a world, and since life has begun, man walks in the predestined earth. As previously quoted, we have the free will that is one of tomorrow's transforming forces, but it is not the only one. Especially to the servants of light, there are lines written in the heights of heaven that are fulfilled on earth sooner or later. To this force we can call destiny.

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