Give and Get!. Al Trumpa
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Название: Give and Get!

Автор: Al Trumpa

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Руководства


isbn: 9785449642998


СКАЧАТЬ Luxury does not mean you get profit from it! Spend money only on those cars that are now needed by the majority of people. These are those cars that are now in great demand. But do not pick yourself a whole auto fleet.

      Demand for cars is changing very quickly – faster than housing, or offices. But do not spend money on expensive cars. Let the cars look expensive and cost less. Look for such cars and such offers on the auto market. But sell them more expensively.

      Something about your business reputation

      In general, any things, any items of trade, any of YOUR SOURCES (real estate, homes, offices, locations, cars) – create a good reputation in advance. Create them a magnificent and believable legend. Make your consumers believe this legend blindly. To do this, agree with the consumer. Imagine yourself in the place of your consumer.

      Ask yourself questions – what do I need myself as a consumer of such a product or service?

      All this will help you navigate in live communication with your consumer. It is a look at some situation from the point of view of your client and consumer (BUYER) – that will help you sell the person a cheap or even not very popular product much more expensive than it actually is.

      But for this, do not impose your opinion: clearly “I like it very much”! And do not say that your client has become better at once, as he purchased your product.

      Always say that your client and your product have found each other by themselves.

      Say something like that: “As if this product is especially for you! I have a couple more buyers for this product. And they asked me to hold it. But if you urgently need it – then for such a nice person as you are – I am ready to do a good favor! I will hold it for you. And when you need it – it will be waiting for you!”.

      Do you understand? Read carefully again what is written there: it is not you, who buy a product, but the product itself will be waiting for you.

      This is a very good psychological trick. This is the refusal of your duty to make a person buy goods, it is your refusal to get rid of the goods quickly. This intention to offer a person is not a product, but only information about the product. Information that such a product is for the individuality of your customer or client. And the product is at the consumer disposal, and not vice versa – when the consumer is at the disposal of the product.

      These touching and grabbing are for the notorious self-worth and sense of self-importance of your customer.

      Yes, it is as old as the world. But it always works perfectly. And don’t you dare to use this old rule – play on the sense of self-worth and self-importance of your customer, if you really need some profits. But don’t do the client any harm. Do the client a favor at the same time. Smile and nod. Do not turn on the cunning evil troll. Turn on the smiling and pure angel!

      And there is another good psychological method. This method works magically indeed.

      People love to be told something like this: “Take your time. Think well. And don’t hurry up to buy it. The product is always here, in stock, and it will not go away anywhere. If you want, I will hold it for you!”

      Well, do you understand? People love when you give them the freedom of choice and try to save their strength, their energy, save their time and their money. It is a good favor and useful profit for people. People appreciate it more than anything else. Save other people’s resources and you automatically multiply your own benefits.

      If this technique works in general psychology, in all aspects of human affairs and relationships, then this technique works equally in the trade relations – when you need to sell something to someone.

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