Darina. Love story. Viktoria Polileeva
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СКАЧАТЬ at the Institute of Culture (here, in Khimki) on a choreographer and finishing the fourth year.

      In general, she was scattered, hurriedly ate a cake, refused champagne, almost forgot the rose, which I gave her and said that she was very in a hurry, melted in the door of her hostel.

      Alas, I again did not cause the slightest interest in my beauty. Did not even look back, splinter! But, having coped with irritation, I decided not to retreat, no matter what happens. The next day, she also said with a sense of detachment that she was taking the exam today.

      And tomorrow at the girlfriend of Lyuska’s birthday and, more likely out of politeness, (well, you want, come) invited me to celebrate this event with them.

      If you already stepped into the tunnel – go boldly. There must be a clearance in front.

      I came on the road estimating unfamiliar to me the situation. A room full of advanced youth. They drank wine and heatedly argued. The fashionable names of the cine and artistic world of contemporary art flashed. Students, at the time of their intellectual development.

      I was out of business. And while my love was talking about Italian neo-realism and Russian art-house, I sipped marijuana at the open window.

      She did not pay any attention to me at all, as if we were not acquainted, completely. She gave her attention to fellow students. By the way very unceremonious, for kisses and compliments to my beautiful. She was jealous, my hot nature resisted every touch of a strange hand to Darina, but I did not give a look and patiently waited for the denouement.

      One of these wise men studied directing and prepared for staging an excerpt from Crime and Punishment. In pursuit of the avant-garde, he tortured the form, leaving untouched, trivially understood content. In Russian books, there is much to learn, and I once read Dostoevsky. And when the Khimki avant-gardist spoke with inspiration about the “sitting on the needle” Raskolnikov, with his ax in the trembling hands, I asked, looking up from the window: “Did the old woman kill Raskolnikov?”

      Puzzled look at me, they made me laugh – that’s the bosota! – I thought and continued:

      – He took someone else’s sin. Love you for someone else’s suffer.

      – Tell your version. Who is the killer?

      – Porfiry Petrovich is, but he inspired to the suspicious, nervous Raskolnikov that he – Raskolnikov is the murderer. Everything is written there, if you read it carefully. After all, he even looks like Napoleon – small, plump. Dostoevsky innocently suffers a lot. But on closer examination, it turns out that – yes, they could to kill, but neither one nor the other is to blame. And somebody is guilty the third, absolutely casual person who was attracted by easy prey. The bloody ax is in the hands of Raskolnikov. After all, he was constantly present there, shifting from foot to foot, immersed in his thoughts. Like a lover under the balcony. Probably witnessed a terrible massacre. Raskolnikov himself punishes himself for criminal thoughts: he thought, he wished, it means guilty. To take someone else’s fault – it is in Russian.

      Finally I caught a spark of interest in her eyes.

      “Aha, I got caught, as if such a pike did not break!”

      And, when we went out for a walk in the evening, I was silent, like a block, afraid to spoil the impression.

      In those days, Darina fell from morning to night in the institute, and I circled around, hoping that she would call, and I will appear at the first call of the beloved. Love tightly and efficiently twisted its nuts. I was only thinking about Daryn. The face of the Rada sometimes came up from the mist of my soul and immediately disappeared. I guess I’m crazy.

      The idea that love can be fierce, unreciprocal, tearing apart the heart, made a frenzy. But hope had such a gentle, affectionate voice!

      So I spent days in torments and dreams, forgetting about everything.

      The deeds demanded my presence. I did go to the meeting with the guys to solve all the problems as quickly as possible and return.

      We were lucky, a large lot of excellent goods came unhindered.

      The guys were happy. "– Oh, do not wake me up early tomorrow, romala!”

      – Let’s go to revel!

      I (constantly peeking into the phone, – whether there is a SMS-ok from Darina, did not miss her call), refused flatly.

      “Shall I give you a truck?”

      – Take me to Khimki, and go where you want.

      I left in Khimki, leaving the guys. Their cheerful faces leaned out of the windows.

      Friends looked after me, shaking their heads – Ay-ya-ya-ya-ya, va-ah-aa, ay-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya!

      – Then wash the machine. After you…

      – Oh, eh-uh-uh-yo-yo!

      But that evening she did not call. We have not met for several days. And I sat, as if lost, in a smoke-filled hotel room, not noticing either the day or the night and waited.

      At the weekend, she still jumped in my car, straightened her skirt on her knees, and said slowly, mockingly: “Well, go, drive the horses.”

      We rode country roads, which gave us warmed-up dust. Outside the window flashed fields, from them so powerfully smelled a new life, that I often wanted

      Stop the car and kiss your loved one with all the passion, but I kept myself.

      Can you imagine what it cost me.

      In the restaurant of my brother, where we came with my beloved, old Rachel sang. Did not sing, but exhaled, in the old manner, without emotion. But from simple songs of a gray-haired gypsy, goose bumps ran down his back and tweaked his eyes. My darling was flushed with drunk champagne, from the harmony of the strings of her soul with the melody.

      Russians like gypsy songs. And I do not know a Russian who, at the first sounds of our sad violin, would not shrug his shoulders, did not dare, and would not wave a rifle or two: “And, to drink, so to drink! Let my business burn with a blue flame.”

      My beautiful beauty has grown merry, and for its usual mockery, softly slid caress.

      I generously thanked Rachel for the brilliance in the eyes of my beloved.

      We returned to midnight and everything that could ignite an already raging flame was in stock: a huge golden-moon was shining treacherously, pregnant with love languor, the leaves gently rustled from the warm breeze.

      My sweetheart said goodbye, clinging to me – “thank you.” I felt her body fragile and shy under the light shirt. My wild desire rushed with a black mustang, rose on its hind legs, and struck it in the heart! I almost choked, hugging Darina, but she slipped out of my hands in the most incomprehensible and miraculous way, leaving me to squeeze the air and wipe the cold sweat from her face.

      I was furious and roared like a beast, giving vent to my fury. My car was racing, the speedometer went off scale. To knock down all the lampposts along the road, crush your head, (why should she, СКАЧАТЬ