The most amazing things from the transpersonal psychologist’s practice. Aleksandr Strannik
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СКАЧАТЬ and see him.

      I attended a lecture of «Shaman Counseling» by Stephen Schmitz.

      I was at the master class of Stephen Schmitz «The Shaman’s Journey», even caught a few insights – a whiff of wind, moonlight. Wonderful experience. Although, Vladimir Maikov’s holotrope classes were much brighter and more insightful.


      Continuation the premiere of movie Vladimir Maikov «Dance of Infinity.» Immersion in the psycho-spiritual dimension.

      The fourth day.

      The plenary session. Irina Kuris, Marina Belokurova, «The steps of evolution, or what we should do with garbage in various areas of our life»; Jure Bichonsky

      «From regression to progression»; Nikolai Oorzhak «The Call of the Shaman»; emcee Regina Hess.

      Round table. German Karelsky, Stephen Schmitz, Victor Petrenko, Marina Belokurova, Dmitry Lepeshev, Nikolay Oorzhak, Rimma Nabiullina.


      Lectures and master classes on five evolutionary trends.

      I was at the lecture of Evgeniy Pustoshkin «About the non-anthropomorphism of human consciousness: the perspective of Ken Wilber’s integral metatheory». Eugene was very interesting.

      I was at Vladimir Maikov’s lecture «How beauty will save the world». I was so obsessed. How lucky am I that during my studies I had been at so many lectures and seminars of Vladimir.

      I was at Hidai Lieberman’s master class «Getting to know COD – an introduction to a new wave». I even traveled on this new wave of «Intention – experience with sound».

      The fifth day. Ending…

      The plenary session.

      Gennady Brevde «Emotional Intelligence, Creativity and Psychological Health»; Ingo Yarsetts «Beyond Narcissism Is Ego»?; Magda Sole «Shamanism, transcultural vision.»

      The ending result of the conference in a general was festive but with a hint of nostalgia. Then tambourines, horn, dances, songs was fired up.

      Fraternizing, hugging, swearing in eternal transpersonal international love…

      My impressions of the conference

      It was very emotional! The smile did not leave my face, and my eyes were full of surprise and delight. I was in my native atmosphere. I was feeling comfortable. Total energy did not require activation protection. Energy was supportive.

      The impression was also supported by the guys from our group, we were nine. There was a meeting with representatives of the past and current educational groups. We exchanged our impressions of study, we were all grateful to Vladimir Maikov and his team for their contribution to us.

      The feeling of world fraternity, the feeling that everything will be fine, that people will learn to live together for the good of the earth, did not leave me. In addition, this is a very important conference charge.

      The knowledge told during the lectures by the world celebrities really expands the picture of perception, activate our guesses, give you new ideas, and actually make us more real than before.

      – Such weird, that one cannot even guess, that they are smart – a quote of Tatiana Bragina. Really, there were many strange people.

      Master classes are practices where participation provides valuable experience. For example, participation in a shamanic journey with Stephen Schmitz was useful and interesting.

      I managed to talk with the real shaman Nikolai Oorzhak, and next year I am going to Tuva for the «call of 13 shamans».

      There was an increased interest in shamanism, not only among foreign guests, but also among our specialists.

      It was difficult to make out where were our and foreign guests. All was mixed up, 35 participating countries; many of our people could speak English fluently.

      – Sasha, you must learn the language, – was unexpected outcome of the conference.

      I was very pleased by the representatives of Russian transpersonalism because they had deep knowledge and understanding of the topic; I was listened with pleasure.

      The idea of the conference – «Tools of evolution: knowledge and practices that make us real» – is brilliant, that says it all.

      Indeed, we guess that the surrounding World is wider than we know about it, than we can perceive it with our primitive sense.

      At the conference, the most world and domestic researchers shared their knowledge and practices – which allow us to broadly perceive the world, and make us real.

      I was at all plenary sessions and round tables; they were public in a large hall.

      I have been participated in so many lectures and master classes. Torn between the speakers, and have not been in the city.

      Echoes of the conference will be heard for a long time…

      It was soulful. Thank you all!

      About studies, about those amazing practices, about those amazing people, I could write endlessly. As part of this book I will share a few personal episodes.

      I International psyfest

      My report «Transpersonal drawing as a method of working with bodily symptoms» at the fourth conference on spiritually-oriented psychotherapy from the section of transpersonal psychotherapy.

      As part of the report, were considered the main ideas of the drawing technique, were described the mechanisms for eliminating bodily symptoms (pain), and was proposed the «perfect posture» technique.

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